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  1. AllMeatNoPotato

    My Simple Setup

    nice indica tree. lush and green. she holds soo much potential. +rep on the good beginning. PEACE!
  2. AllMeatNoPotato

    The Impossible Grow

    remember gents and ladies, cooler heads prevail. both of you two are an asset to this site and we approciate you both being here. LOVE and PEACE!
  3. AllMeatNoPotato

    Lights 24/7 or 18/6 Confused.

    although what you said is correct babygro, some people use 24 hrs of light because it is cold where they are growing and it is a good way to keep the enviornment warm.
  4. AllMeatNoPotato

    Canadian Kindness

    i don't really see how one can mass cultivate in the UK. i was under the impression that the whole country is pretty heavily populated.
  5. AllMeatNoPotato

    Breeders and Their Seeds

    i thought it was good also. i should talk to roll and see if we can get it stickied.
  6. AllMeatNoPotato

    Breeders and Their Seeds

    i came across this link and thought it was the shit. you click on the place where you want to purchase the seeds and read the reports listed by fellow growers. PEACE! Strainguide Mirror
  7. AllMeatNoPotato

    First Grow Ever!

    sry about stating that. I am so used to dealing with people that are at weekly feedings. for you it will be like one feeding with nutes the nest feeding with water only. remember to pH your water everytime. pH before you add nutes and after. I do not think that foxfarm will effect your pH, it...
  8. AllMeatNoPotato

    what gets you highest with least weed

    the thc is suspended in the oil and fat of the peanut butter. it is not going anywheres in that short of time. remember it takes some time for it to hit. and man does it hit!
  9. AllMeatNoPotato

    what gets you highest with least weed

    good firecracker thread; Firecrackers Work! Detailed Instructions. (Pictures) - Forums gl getting fucked up.
  10. AllMeatNoPotato

    Canadian Kindness

    i wish I was lucky enough to meet your avatar diagnostic.
  11. AllMeatNoPotato

    what gets you highest with least weed

    firecracker but that shit tastes just like it is shit.
  12. AllMeatNoPotato

    First Grow Ever!

    i wouldn't use that filter just cuz it looks like it would fall apart. if you are looking at the least expensive way take a look at this. Ryoko Builds a DIY Activated Carbon Filter - 30 Minutes, $30 Dollars - The Garden's Cure it has been posted here before and it would be effective. I would...
  13. AllMeatNoPotato

    First Grow Ever!

    the grow big is going to do you fine during during veg, but the big bloom is an inhancer. it is to be used with tiger and big. it is in no way able to use just as a flower nutes fyi. ya cant go wrong with rain water afterall that is what they get outside and that is where nature intended them to...
  14. AllMeatNoPotato

    My First Ever Journal

    congratulations on your first journal. wish you the best of luck. PEACE!
  15. AllMeatNoPotato

    cutting light back during flowering?

    what type of light are you using?
  16. AllMeatNoPotato

    Information on sexing

    i would take 8-12 weeks with a grain of salt. your trees could be over your grow room. personally, the best time I have figured out, actually potroast told me, double the size of your tree and that is what you are going to end up with at the end of flowering. it the tree is a big yielder, figure...
  17. AllMeatNoPotato

    how much fert during flowering

    50% nute strength is all I use.
  18. AllMeatNoPotato

    cutting light back during flowering?

    fyi I use 11/13 myself because it fits my needs. look around more and just stick with 12/12 for now. it is time tested and approved.
  19. AllMeatNoPotato

    cutting light back during flowering?

    i heard something about this in a grow journal, just not here. i may be wrong but I think it was Jorge that stated it. i think it went something like go to 12/12 then during the last 2 weeks, go to 8/16 and the last 2 days 0/24. i saw that like awhile ago so take that with a grain of salt. I'll...
  20. AllMeatNoPotato


    i am sure it worked just like you said it did warm and sealed the smell up. i think that is what it was made for anyways. but when you keep putting the stinky molecules against it, the atoms that attract the stinky molecules will no longer be able to absorb them because they can only absorb soo...