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  1. mr.green123

    My little Angelmatics - First Grow

    i would also water them more than every 6 days spread it out over the week and when the pots feal light they need to be watered
  2. mr.green123

    My little Angelmatics - First Grow

    light mix soil will be fine iv used it with good result just start your nutes a 1/4 strength and build them up over time and you will be ok
  3. mr.green123

    tote grow set-up

    you might find something in here--
  4. mr.green123

    Please HELP!! (with PIC)

    20/4 would be better for an auto but 18/6 will work aswel i would try get a fan as soon as to move the air around and help toughen the plant up
  5. mr.green123

    Please HELP!! (with PIC)

    yes 18/6 and it will be ok lower the lights as much as you can to stop the stretch and get a fan blowing on her to strengthen that stem up
  6. mr.green123

    Please HELP!! (with PIC)

    its stertching for the lights lower them and what is it in:confused: ..18/6 for the lights will be fine for veg
  7. mr.green123

    maby a dumb question but.........

    you could but it will decrease your yeild they put a lot of weight on in the last few weeks and switching you light wouldnt do you any favours:peace:
  8. mr.green123

    Super Lemon Haze--First Hydro Grow

    bump!!!!!! :eyesmoke:
  9. mr.green123

    Super lemon haze Day 1 with new 400W aircooled HPS

    looking good mate just started slh now i'll be tagging along subbed:peace:
  10. mr.green123

    germinating autoflowering seeds.

    read through this mate its got all the info you need --
  11. mr.green123

    First Grow, Moby Dick and Unknown

    looking good mate i'll be tagging along:peace:
  12. mr.green123

    2nd Opinions needed!

    if it is a light leak just patch it up and you should be fine and as amrcngror said check your timer is ok
  13. mr.green123

    2nd Opinions needed!

    you should be seeing buds by now mate have you got any light leaks...that will stop the plant from going into flower
  14. mr.green123

    Super Lemon Haze--First Hydro Grow

    aquafarm is now all ready to go i'v drilled new holes and added an airstone to the reservoir and i'll be picking up some Canna Aqua Clay Pebbles in the next few days :peace:
  15. mr.green123

    Can i use a 250w hps for veg ????

    yes it will be fine as long as you keep your temps around 75-85f
  16. mr.green123

    week by week big buddha cheese grow in tent

    every thing is looking ok mate subbed
  17. mr.green123

    will they be fine until i get a new light?

    they will be fine as long as you are controling the temps
  18. mr.green123

    Dinafem - Cheese scrog

    looking good bro subbed
  19. mr.green123

    Can you tell me if there are any problems with them.20oz hempy

    they don't look 2 bad mate i wouldn't stress.. maybe abit of nute burn all i would do is lower the dose a little and build it up gradually over time
  20. mr.green123

    Super Lemon Haze--First Hydro Grow

    right then my seed has germinated 2day (15sep) and has been put straight into a rockwool starter cube that's been soaked in 5.8 ph'd water over night all is going to plan so far..i will post some boring seedling pics as soon as she she sprouts lol i'm thinking a few days in the rockwool intill i...