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  1. max316420

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    I can assure you that it IS lacking Nitrogen
  2. max316420

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    Fox farm is some good shit, but if you have a ppm meter test it.. 1 ts is only around 200ppm so your gonna want 2-3 ts's per gallon
  3. max316420

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    Don't worry about that cause those things suck, get some vegg food where the first number is higher then the rest, like 6-4-4
  4. max316420

    Mag Deficiency? pics

    needs more nitrogen
  5. max316420

    Evidence of too many Nutes? (Pics)

    they dont look overfed to me
  6. max316420

    Evidence of too many Nutes? (Pics)

    looks like a ph issue, that can make the leave do what their doing
  7. max316420

    yellow fan leaves?

    you just weren't feeding them enough
  8. max316420

    yellow fan leaves?

    needs more nitrogen
  9. max316420

    Iron Def? Pics in post!

    That is usually what they look like at first signs of too much food but you mite wanna get a second opinion.. If it's overfed you'll know in a day or 2
  10. max316420

    Iron Def? Pics in post!

    I'm gonna go with overfed...
  11. max316420

    Spider Mites or Nutrient deficiency?

    That is a lack of nitrogen, get some veg food in her and the yellowing will cease...
  12. max316420

    Leaves are turning yellow/brown/purple (pics)

    I think sulfur will lower the ph but you might do more harm then help... You should call him up and ask if this is normal and if he has ever run into this problem.. Sorry I can't be of more help but I have never seen that before.. I would like to see what is causing it tho
  13. max316420

    black on buds and leaves

    I think you got bud rot dude, has it been real humid? Sorry for your bad luck
  14. max316420

    Flowering plants wilting badly [PICS]

    and adding nitrogen won't hurt a bit, it will stop the yellowing
  15. max316420

    Flowering plants wilting badly [PICS]

    Needs more nitrogen...
  16. max316420

    Little brown spots only on 2 leaves (Pic)

    Just up your veg nutes a tad... They just want some more nitrogen
  17. max316420

    Leaves are turning yellow/brown/purple (pics)

    Might be genetics of the plant because the leaves look healthy expect for the color
  18. max316420

    Leaves are turning yellow/brown/purple (pics)

    It's too late to change your soils ph, I have never seen red leaves like that.. What strain is it?
  19. max316420

    My new problem - wilting mother

    water it, water it water it..... you can tell when they need to be watered by lifting your pots and feeling the weight of them.
  20. max316420

    My new problem - wilting mother

    To me it looks like its in severe need of a drink