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  1. itzCESAR*

    add female pill to water?

    I gotta agree, I've never heard of adding estrogen to plants. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, since us humans are far different from plants. I don't even think plants produce testostrone, and estrogen. I've read a couple of books, and they have not said anything of adding pills, or anything...
  2. itzCESAR*

    Over heating?

    I was wondering if anyone knew of any signs of over-heating? Srry no pics, but my little sprout is growing in rockwool, and the poor thing looks sad. I'm pretty sure it's just to hot, I just wanted to compare symptoms.
  3. itzCESAR*

    good/ good prices place to buy equip

    Yup, yup, yup!
  4. itzCESAR*

    good/ good prices place to buy equip

    Good shit!
  5. itzCESAR*

    giving up on my first grow?

    Practice makes perfect!
  6. itzCESAR*

    FF flowering nute Questions

    Hmmm.... didn't know that. Now I do, haha
  7. itzCESAR*

    vacum sealing your buds

    Well, that's good news, a better grow room is always good. Take care, and goodluck next time : ]
  8. itzCESAR*

    Noob Question on Lighting. (What a great site. )

    If this is your first grow, it kinda takes some exp. for dank buds so just grow as many as you can for the exp. You have plenty of closet space or w/e. goodluck : ]
  9. itzCESAR*

    FF flowering nute Questions

    I wouldn't mix nutes just go with one, and follow the nutes directions. Most of the time you should only need 1/2 at most. At flowering they can eat a lot though. : ]
  10. itzCESAR*

    how long should a bulb last ?

    ya that's what I thought, but ya I replace aftertwo grows, but I use the same bulb.
  11. itzCESAR*

    Noob Question on Lighting. (What a great site. )

    I'm sorry how many plants?
  12. itzCESAR*

    Noob Question on Lighting. (What a great site. )

    Good shit bro : ]
  13. itzCESAR*

    how long should a bulb last ?

    ya but if you mix it in the veg stage 18/6 4 grows is kinda pushing it. Just replace if they flicker. or if you notice any signifficant differences
  14. itzCESAR*

    how long will this take?

    Hmm.. never thought about liars on here. Wow I'm a newb. Put Now that I think about it 20 is a lot to maintain. Well from a newbs perspective, like me.
  15. itzCESAR*

    how long should a bulb last ?

    24/0 or what?
  16. itzCESAR*

    I think this is a male

    Yup, what he said
  17. itzCESAR*

    I think this is a male

    Dude, I told you in another thread. Stop hating on newbs dude. It's not cool. Ya I can't really tell if it's a m/f. You should though. Just check for the balls aka pollen sacks.
  18. itzCESAR*

    FF flowering nute Questions

    you doing hydro or soil? indoors right?
  19. itzCESAR*

    FF flowering nute Questions

    Kinda depends on the strain start with a 1/3 of the recommended and go from their, if your plant needs more, it'll let you know, but a 1/3 should be a good start.
  20. itzCESAR*

    how long should a bulb last ?

    It really depends on the photoperiod are you using 24/0 or 18/6 or 12/12? But usually like 2-3 grows is a good life expectancy for a bulb. If you're lights flicker replace 'em