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  1. iloveit

    Flushing/Harvesting Sativas by trich color question?

    You gotta take pics of that Durban Poison, Im thinking of growing that next.
  2. iloveit

    What glass container can I use to cure large harvests?

    I dont want to use multiple mason jars because Id have too many jars to burp, what would make a good glass curing container?
  3. iloveit

    How do YOU cure your Dank?

    What makes a good air tight glass curing container for curing large amounts of bud?
  4. iloveit

    Lollipop lollipop, Oh lolli lolli lolli, Lollipop lollipop....

    GypsyBush you are every where I look on RIU, you & I spend way too much time on this forum Ha ha. If only we were neighbours we would have lots to talk about.
  5. iloveit

    400w BC Blueberry Harvest - Lots of good pics!!! Weight Predictions?

    How long did you veg for, or did you go from clone to flowering?
  6. iloveit

    400 watt HPS for 12 plants?

    How did you manage to get the plants that high in such small pots? Did you veg them, if so for how long? Or did you go from clone to flower?
  7. iloveit

    RIU is Probable Cause! Informants and Cops will use this Against You!

    Next time use Photobucket so you can delete pics in the future & try using a private paid VPN that way if they give the police your info (although their not allowed to according to the legal contract) you can sue them.
  8. iloveit

    RIU is Probable Cause! Informants and Cops will use this Against You!

    Take a look at the link in my signature & download a video called "Never Get busted again" from Mininova that will help you out a little.
  9. iloveit

    Do NOT use Hydrogen Peroxide

    All of a sudden Im intrested in your method, could post a couple of pics please?
  10. iloveit

    Popular PH recommendations VS PH in practise

    Ive seen many PH charts all showing a slightly different ideal range, but Im going to take your advice & do what works for my plants. Thank you.
  11. iloveit

    Popular PH recommendations VS PH in practise

    I asked him many questions but this quetion on topic I forgot to ask & now hes no longer available despite having a few words with GypsyBush.
  12. iloveit

    Popular PH recommendations VS PH in practise

    Hey there Roseman Ive seen your avatar all over RIU. Al was back but has returned to his work this I raised this question afterwards. I was told to keep my Blueberrys at 6.2 PH at all times (hydro). I was told that PHing to give your plants the neccasssary nutrients should not be done & only to...
  13. iloveit

    Do NOT use Hydrogen Peroxide

    Thank you DR Von
  14. iloveit

    outgassing/offgassing from cables and adhesive band ?

    Could you post pics of the plants & the tent?
  15. iloveit

    Do NOT use Hydrogen Peroxide

    My res is closed & covered but there are a few pin sized holes which evaporate the water resulting in an increase of PPM so I top up the res once a week to decrease it.
  16. iloveit

    Do NOT use Hydrogen Peroxide

    Its very difficult for me to keep the res temp below 20C as Im growing in a cab. Min 22C/Max 24C so I have no choice but to use an additive to kill pathogens. I dont have money for a chiller & even if I did I have no extra space in the cab.
  17. iloveit

    Do NOT use Hydrogen Peroxide

    Thanks DR Von for the dosage, should I start with a lower dosage with newly rooted clones & work up to 3.5ml per L? To my understanding H2O2 will degrade to ONLY H2O if left out too long, assuming this is true should I change my reservoir more often than once a week? keep in mind that within a...
  18. iloveit

    Discolouration on Blueberry clone leaves

    At what PPM do you feed the BBs? How about some pics.
  19. iloveit

    Discolouration on Blueberry clone leaves

    I never PH for fresh cuttings only when roots are established. Do you use soil or hydro?
  20. iloveit

    Discolouration on Blueberry clone leaves

    My humidity was in the 90s. I cloned in rockwool which took more than 4 weeks so I tried cloning in root riot which took 15 days but many growers on RIU claim that rooting with powder works best for their BBs.