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  1. 1lastGodsend

    Newbie to Cfl gro

    yes you can. Throw in a 6500k just for a bit of it's vegging state. She'll love it.
  2. 1lastGodsend

    Newbie to Cfl gro

    Yeah do that. Go 12/12. But do start off with a low wattage. & then make sure when you add more bulbs all the temps stay the same don't create such a ruckus. Keep the plant stress free & she will mature fast & healthy. Start nute feedings at 1/4 the recommended dosage. As well with potency. Ph...
  3. 1lastGodsend

    Experience in growing in Peat Moss?

    Elk the upper layer isn't a problem. The bottom where your roots are at is moist & gets air so your roots will be all comfy. The top dying out proves the soil gets air from time to time. Don't feed everywatering either peat moss holds some nutes in it for a bit try every other watering for nutes.
  4. 1lastGodsend

    Newbie to Cfl gro

    It's too much light man. To germinate a seedling it's best to do it in the dark & as she sprots gradually increase the amount of light as she gets bigger. The jump from a 23watt bulb to a 43watt bulb is too much of a shock. Stick to the 23watt. & let her grow as she gets bigger then add more...
  5. 1lastGodsend

    Newbie to Cfl gro

    Well what's the set up like? Usually when a seedling dies it's an overwatering issue or heat stress. Are thee actual wattages of the floros your using or "equivalents"?
  6. 1lastGodsend

    Experience in growing in Peat Moss?

    I love growing in peat moss. It's so soft it grows my plants a bit faster then regular dirt & it retains alot of water so isn't water too often. It also stays soft after it dries & it airates good. My last harvest I couldn't take the dirt off my pots due to all the roots in their. I had strong...
  7. 1lastGodsend

    Pruning Question (pics)

    I would say leave 'em alone the plant uses bigger leaves to produce more sugars anyways so it's not harm. In the other hand if you prune your plant has to heal & she uses less stomatas to continue a strong photosynthesis process
  8. 1lastGodsend

    one simple question about growing lowryder 2

    On a floro it will tell you the color temperature somewhere in the packaging.
  9. 1lastGodsend

    one simple question about growing lowryder 2

    Use at least 3of those. I used 6 300watt equivalent floros for 1plant & my buds really weren't so dnse. If possible you should save up & get a 250 watt hps system. good cheap grow lights
  10. 1lastGodsend

    Need choice of nutes

    Anything high in nitrogen. Nitrogen for vegging. & get something high in phosphorous for flowering. Always start off with 1/2 to 1/4 the strength of the dosage recommended.
  11. 1lastGodsend

    First Timer

    Biodegradable soap repelent. Something that's garden safe. Like for vegetables. & nothing too strong so it doesn't hurt the plant. But definetely something soap based.
  12. 1lastGodsend

    First Timer

    It would certainly work. She's a weed. If your able to attend to her for an hour at least everyday it's all ok. Look into real good pesticides & bug killers. Do your hw on what kind of bgs your plant might encounter & how to prevent them.
  13. 1lastGodsend

    Jumper cables.

    I've got a buddy that has such an old ass battery in his car, we can't ever turn it off. We kicked it at a gas station till like 3in the mornng with the cars hood open asking for a jump. "you got cables?" everybodys 1st pessimistic fucking question. Man some dude even had the nerve to say...
  14. 1lastGodsend

    Is there any reason not to put iced salt water into a bong?

    I put salt on everything. :shock: food. Margaritas. Body shots off models. Now my bong. :shock: bong in salt. :shock: salt in bong. :shock:
  15. 1lastGodsend

    Should i Transplant?

    If your plant gets root bound it will grow at such a slow rate due to your plants roots limited space to spread & feed. 1gallong of dirt that your plant will grow through out her whole life. If she's at 5feet by the time you harvest she should be in a 5gallon pot. Make sense? Your roots...
  16. 1lastGodsend

    hey i need some more help

    Yes you can. Make sure the pot you use is big enough to hold a gallon of dirt for every foot of hieght she willgrow outdoors untill harvest. & be very careful of bugs. Bugs are evil. Check your plant everydhay. If you want to enhance the potency if your buds or increase rate of growth then go...
  17. 1lastGodsend

    stupidest arrest ever....

    What I don't get is how is half a gram an arrestable offence. You are clearly under 18. In LA cops give out notices to appear in court for anything under an oz if your 18 if your not 18 they take you in & book you then mom has to come get you. So how old are you? For half a gram Jail time? I...
  18. 1lastGodsend

    just cut off yellowing fan leaves good or bad idea?

    Your in dirt correct? Usually with hydro your medium flushes out alot faster so all the nutes are going to be gone in her system. In dirt I recommend that you water & let the dirt fully dry at least for two more watering schedules & that should be a good flush. It takes a bit more watering for...
  19. 1lastGodsend

    just cut off yellowing fan leaves good or bad idea?

    That is a realm good size plant for an indoor grow. You can make brownies & pack bowls & roll fatties & sprinkle some on some fettucini Alfredo all day long man. Good stuff :shock:
  20. 1lastGodsend

    stupidest arrest ever....

    He said it was a .5 I think a .4 would of been easier to swallow.