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  1. 1lastGodsend

    Yellowing, drooping, and browned tips

    watering schedule? Any nutes? More info. Please
  2. 1lastGodsend

    My first grow (help needed!) PICS

    I'm a bit confuse about what your asking me now. Does the problem look like it may be nute burn? -yes. Should you flush more then twice a week? -no. Why? -you don't want to suffocate your plants roots. So I shouldn't add any nutes till it's healthy? Exactly let the plant heal. Will...
  3. 1lastGodsend

    My first grow (help needed!) PICS

    Did you make sure the 600watt system isn't too flow to the plants? Let the buckets go dry before you water again. Not too dry rockwool is best kept a bit moist but flush at least 2wice maybe the plant will come back. I'm not sure about the vinegar to balance the ph. Never tried it so I wudnt...
  4. 1lastGodsend

    Pigs found my plants, Help

    this should of been the very 1st post to your thread. Man why the fuck are carls jr's spicy chicken sandwiches so small now!! :shock:
  5. 1lastGodsend

    My first grow (help needed!) PICS

    Dude no worries. So this is a nute burn. How old are the clones? Have they been feeding the clones before you got them? They just got pull into new pots. Theygota get used to their grow medium 1st. Let tv shock of the transplant go away 1st. 2weeks seems like they should of got used to it...
  6. 1lastGodsend

    Pigs found my plants, Help

    How old are you that you weren't smart enough to plan it all out? Then flake on the plan you set up to go plant them without getting caught. & did you ever once think the farmer might be watching his field closer than you think? Was he never going to find the plants? I'll tell you what...
  7. 1lastGodsend

    do you believe in ghosts ?

    I would go to my girls house all the time & we would snuggle up on the couch after I would smoke to watch a movie. & we would turn on the movie & she would set the remote down right next to her on the coffee table. & on numerous occasions she would reach for the control that would somehow now be...
  8. 1lastGodsend

    My buds you guys are man weird

    So I just we about an oz from my first grow. & the buds smell real good but they have a bit of a funky smell. I'm curing the buds in large mason jars. The jars they use to preserve well, preservatives. You guys think the buds will regain that delecious bud smell? Any advise while this blunt...
  9. 1lastGodsend

    Finish this sentence: "Without cannabis, I'd be..."

    Without cannabis I would be the next president of the united states.
  10. 1lastGodsend

    Finish this sentence: "Without cannabis, I'd be..."

    Without cannabis I would be the next president of the united states.
  11. 1lastGodsend

    Once it sprouts it needs light ?

    DO NOT OUT THEM IN THE SUN! Let them get a couple of sets of leaves. Tiny sprouts are real fragile & too much sun does no good for gem it just burns them up. The more leaves the plant has the more light it can absorb & it has enough enegy to keep the sugar making process going with no stress...
  12. 1lastGodsend


    I wish I had pics I could pad but my laptop is broke I've been on my iPhone since febuary. Spend of of my money on my grow op.
  13. 1lastGodsend


    Just harvested 26 beautiful homegrown grams of Hindu skunk. I grew the plant in 7gallon pots with peat moss soil. I use the iguana juice vegg fert. & I grew under soft white bulbs for vegg & 6 300watt equivalent compact floros for flowering. Man it was so great to wake up every morning & sit in...
  14. 1lastGodsend

    Iguana eats MJ plants

    smoke the iguana.
  15. 1lastGodsend

    mental note.

    1blunt & a half. & I'm so blown I hope I don't get too cold. Man it's like weed is tryna make me wiggle & laugh as much as physically possible. Man I'm drying my buds but they are either taking long or I'm not patient. So I'll check them 2morrow 3rd day. They smell mighty sweet though...
  16. 1lastGodsend


    Make sure your grow room is completely light proof. Any light leaks will cause the plants photosynthesis process to start again & then flowering will be delayed.
  17. 1lastGodsend

    longest time you had to quit smokin

    It honestly did scare me a bit. Man weed hits me alot harder now.
  18. 1lastGodsend

    longest time you had to quit smokin

    I got home & there was left over food. So I grabed a plate to heat up some left overs I walks over to the microwave & stuck an empty in & turned on the microwave. I watch an empty plate heat up for a couple of seconds before I realized I was an idiot. It was awesome