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  1. G

    how can I get a seed with a PO box, and the government not finding out who I am?

    there doesn't seem to be much follow up on seed orders pinched by customs but i understand, you want the 100% safe deal that's not something you'll get in this hobby, the seed ordering process is probably the safest part, growing is much more fearful if you're not afraid to grow, then a seed...
  2. G

    seems like alot of souviener's are getting found by custum's?!

    what amazes me is how well cannabis seed ordering works, we've become spoiled as hell looking back at some old high times articles from kyle kushman in '97, seeds were brought up a few times but was seen as way too risky/sketchy at that time today? it's a multimillion dollar business, maybe...
  3. G

    july start/hybrid height

    thank you for the shared loss story, it's just how it is out there my outdoor grow was something of a whim, knew my odds were long but it always is a ball buster when you go to look at your outdoor lovely's and see mayhem instead
  4. G

    july start/hybrid height

    i update logs, even the bad ones, and this one reminds me of my good old days outdoors a 90% kill rate wasn't unusual, and this new outdoors experience is simlilar my first sprout was half eaten, well, some other bug finished the job, el morto but i had sprout in wet towel, and it had sprouted a...
  5. G

    A perfect cure every time

    the salt test is a 'standard' way of calibrating hygrometers, been around a long time my caliber 3 intructions advised against this test, possible damage? that may have changed in new 4's
  6. G

    Male Hermaphrodite. Keep or destroy?

    i had a male Nirvana Jock Horror which i was going to use as a stud to keep things under control, i snipped some of the unripe male balls, tried to ripen them in an air filtered chamber for keeping pollen in its place anyhow, after snipping the plant started throwing pistils, not buds, but...
  7. G

    Male Hermaphrodite. Keep or destroy?

    is this a plant that appeared male, then started throwing pistils? the dividing line with male/female in cannabis sometimes gets murky
  8. G

    Hermie Question

    i have seen a male plant spring forth from the feminized fertlizing don't know how, but it happened, male was a bit odd, the flowers would wither before throwing pollen, kind of a sterile mule
  9. G

    Hermie Question

    i've been growing some seeds that came from a plant that fertilized itself all hermie? no, it's been a 50/50 crap shoot so far some of the femmes have been very good, then there were some that weren't so good but seeds for free, if you liked the parent you may find something special
  10. G

    A Fool and a Hermie Seed

    5 1/2 weeks flower not as many male flowers, but they're sneaky, had a couple chuck pollen in the last few days shit, thought i had it under control still, if you count fertilized/unfertilized calyxes, the ratio has to be 100 to 1 for the good kind which does make it worth it
  11. G

    Outdoors to indoors?

    one suggestion i saw, which sounded like it work, is the dunk have a large container with the water/pesticide mix that you want then dunk that plant, i think it was for a minute or 2 of course if the grip on the plant should fail ..., so it sounded a bit dangerous, though i'd imagine you'd get...
  12. G

    Heat wave + seedlings= bad idea.

    more indoor experience(lately) than outdoor but levaes have a different look from heat stress, this looks to me like a nute burn and 90's outdoors shouldn't be a big problem but you never know, ever strain/plant has its quirks
  13. G

    Heat wave + seedlings= bad idea.

    i'd guess the raw manure may have been the culprit a week isn't long enough to age raw manure in soil should recover as the seedling gets a little more mature
  14. G

    Outdoors to indoors?

    i did this, brought in a case of spider mites for my trouble if you think you can knock 'em all dead, it could be worth doing bu if you get a case of the mites, it could be the gift that keeps on giving
  15. G

    Hermies? Lots of white hairs 6+ weeks into flowering.

    not unusual to have calyxes stack up on each other, some strains do that most seem to think you're fine, the pollen is yellow which will usually show if there are male flowers around
  16. G

    Hermies? Lots of white hairs 6+ weeks into flowering.

    white hairs are good hairs, at least in hermie land if a pistil is white, usually it hasn't been fertilized but you may have some seeds in there, hard to tell for sure, some plants just look that way
  17. G

    july start/hybrid height

    ^^^ thanks for that, 6 footer - that's what i can't afford to have in this spot thinking a 2 footer would be great, so topping sounds more likely, have to watch the take off on this seedling
  18. G

    july start/hybrid height

    might as well document this, though i think my chances of a good result are slim it's not pretty, seedling was insect raped within 12 hours of sprouting cup collar for some protection, did seem to help
  19. G

    AZ PSI drug testing question

    ^^^i'd hoped my post was clear that he shouldn't go start confessing not unless he had some inside info on how his caseworker would deal with it but you're right, confessing will likely be a disaster
  20. G

    AZ PSI drug testing question

    that could work, just giving the case worker your honest side of the story but you may be taking a bigger step than is needed now, my understanding is that cps would request the court order for a drug test and that doesn't sound like it's happened, just saying get as much info as possible before...