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  1. KP2

    Anyone Have Problems with Hygrozyme?

    ditto. i had a perfect root structure in my tables and tubes. used hygrozyme and POOF!!!! root rot. i quit and clean, get nice roots again, add hygrozyme and POOF!!!!!! root rot!!!! cull and clean, lose the hygrozyme, and i've not had another problems since. also important to note that i had...
  2. KP2

    just say NO to HR 669

    no oscars, cichlids, hamsters, guinea pigs...... don't just view the extreme; i mean when have you ever even heard of a komodo dragon as a pet? i haven't.... it's not the extremes that i'm worried about here, it's the big popular animals that have been kept for decades and bred in captivity...
  3. KP2

    just say NO to HR 669

    imo, they are "changing" too much.
  4. KP2

    Pets soon to be Illegal!!!

    because of the negative attitudes in these threads, and the new information in the new one (these are too long and full of bullshit for people to find the links and articles). the new thread is updated. you can delete this one if you like.:cuss:
  5. KP2

    weed prices skyrocket in NC!!!

    your prices are average and normal. be glad you aren't paying 90 for an 1/8...
  6. KP2

    just say NO to HR 669

    i do, and i thank you for your reply. my feelings are that no matter what side you're on as far as the theology and ideology of keeping pets, we are about to lose our freedom to have a choice! again, thank you for posting :weed:
  7. KP2

    just say NO to HR 669

    some of you who thought this was a good idea may want to read this.... HOT OFF THE PRESS! Pet owners, pet industry members, and others have been burning up the phones in response to The opposition in Washington is hearing us and they...
  8. KP2

    Anyone Have Problems with Hygrozyme?

    unfortunately it seems to do the opposite for a lot of people; hygrozyme eats good roots and makes root rot.
  9. KP2

    Help Identifying Plant!!!

    looks like cleome, not pot. commonly called spiderflower, but i could be wrong.
  10. KP2

    Do you own pets? Want to keep them? OPPOSE HR 669!!!

    my family does. i don't mess with them. and that has been posted, if you'd read through them all.... i grow pot. in my mind this is much more of an issue than pets. pot is illegal, but i do it anyway. were they right to ban marijuana? and what i'm admitting to right now is that this bill is...
  11. KP2

    Anyone Have Problems with Hygrozyme?

    i use gh, same deal. hygrozyme was proven the issue in my garden. fine for 3 years without it, pythium while using, fine now that i'm not and have everything cleaned. fuck hygrozyme :p
  12. KP2

    Pets soon to be Illegal!!!

    yes, they do. read before you post, that's a bill that passed in connecticut. THIS is hr 669.
  13. KP2

    Do you own pets? Want to keep them? OPPOSE HR 669!!!

    importation should be halted, i agree. but that has absolutely NOTHING to do with banning the animals that are here now, and bred in captivity. did you read the part about no interstate travel with your pets? can't leave the state? what happens when you move? and no, it doesn't come out and...
  14. KP2

    Do you own pets? Want to keep them? OPPOSE HR 669!!!

    read the bill. there will be no grandfather clause, no list of exceptions. we're talking about mass murder of millions of animals, i can't believe you guys don't see that. if it's illegal don't you think they are going to take measures to remove the contraband? read the bill.
  15. KP2

    Do you own pets? Want to keep them? OPPOSE HR 669!!!

    are you willing to euthanize yours?
  16. KP2

    Do you own pets? Want to keep them? OPPOSE HR 669!!!

    so you classify animals that have been bred in captivity for generations wild animals? animals that lack the ability to survive in the wild due to to captive breeding? no, they don't meet the 6th requirement of the definition of domestication, but.... think about this (dogs and cats again)...
  17. KP2

    Do you own pets? Want to keep them? OPPOSE HR 669!!!

    most pet store managers haven't heard of the bill. if the nation were aware, they'd have no chance in hell of passing it.
  18. KP2

    Do you own pets? Want to keep them? OPPOSE HR 669!!!

    yes, it is. that's why they are BANNING THEM. don't obfuscate the issue. read it first.
  19. KP2

    Pets soon to be Illegal!!!

    don't just look at the extremes. think about all the animals that this involves. hey fdd, don't you have fish? looks like it's going to be a nice supper...
  20. KP2

    Do you own pets? Want to keep them? OPPOSE HR 669!!!

    tell that to your "domesticated" house cats. everyone know people don't have pet cats, cats have pet owners...