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  1. waldocat420

    4 Weeks flowering first time grow

    those are some nice nugs for cfls man, great job.
  2. waldocat420

    best way to arrange lights

    i say you put lights right above as close as possibe without burning the plant. . and i wouldnt do anything but maybe lollipop the plant, because your 52w will probably not cover much of the bottom if at all. . and you shouldnt kid yourself. . i would be surprised if you harvested a quarter oz...
  3. waldocat420

    first time growing..

    those are some big plants, you grew five without lights indoors? how was your yield?
  4. waldocat420

    first time growing..

    i would definitely water the plant more than 2-4 tablespoons. depending on the container size, give it a good watering so that all the soil is watered not just the top. let it dry up (not completly though), then water again. . have you had success doing this 30-35 ml waterings?
  5. waldocat420

    Is my plant going to die?

    sorry man, just thought you didnt if you didnt even know what lights to use. . anyways, the problem with the window is that anyone can see it maybe. . and it will only get somewhat direct sunlight a certain time throughout the whole day. . unless you keep moving it from window to window. ...
  6. waldocat420

    first time growing..

    dont worry about the oval leaves, they are supposed to fall off and die.. and yes, paint the grow room flat white, or get some mylar or panda film for reflection.
  7. waldocat420

    Is my plant going to die?

    i dont want to sound like a dick man, but did you do any research at all before you planted your seed? im assuming your not set up for HID lighting if you are. . you can get them online or at a hydro shop. . the cheapest way is using cfl's.. you should be able to find those anywhere. . like...
  8. waldocat420

    Is my plant going to die?

    you can flower plants any time you want. . i doubt you will get any results with it just sitting in the window though. . you need HID lighting. . and it doesnt take four months for a plant to veg. . on average i would say indoor growers tend to veg for about a month (unless topped). . then...
  9. waldocat420

    Is my plant going to die?

    you shouldnt water every morning. . give it a good watering, let the soil dry up, not completely though then water again. . are you planning to put this plant outside? if not, what type of lighting will you use for flowering?
  10. waldocat420

    Happy Frog Soil, Monkey Juice, What Else...?

    isnt monkey juice for growing in coco?
  11. waldocat420

    Smoking fan leaves...

    yeah, thats true except in my opinion the best weed is grown organically in soil, not hydro.. and as far as which is better, i wouldnt know either. . never smoked canadian weed. .but the pics on this site definatly do not represent a majority of california's bud. . i dont think you'd be...
  12. waldocat420

    Smoking fan leaves...

    man, cali is where the bomb shit is at, no disrespect to canada. we have the beautiful weather. . to grow the beautiful ganja.. anyways. . as far as smoking fan leaves, ive ground up and vaporized some of my resin coated fan leaves. . before making bubble hash. . its ok. . fuck smoking...
  13. waldocat420

    harvest time for my friend

    you are one greedy piece of shit! i cant believe you would even consider stealing 10 o's off your buddy. . you want ten O's? then fucken grow some! or buy some. . obviously your jealous of all the weed and feel that youre entitled to some. .
  14. waldocat420

    Oh@#$@, do i have bugs in my babies?

    root aphids maybe?
  15. waldocat420

    12/12 start to finish?

    im doing 12/12 from seed as an experiment with five seeds i had laying around, im on day 14 of 12/12 and my five clones are forming buds already, especially the ko kush vs. the yumbolt anyways. . the five seedlings are lagging, one looks a lot better than the rest so im hoping a few more days...
  16. waldocat420

    Im growing indoors and have a few questions about my plant... Can some1 please help?

    you mentioned nothing about air circulation, temp and humidity. keep those in check or you will have problems down the line. so what type of light are you planning to flower with? what kind of bloom nutrients will you be using? got any pics?
  17. waldocat420

    CNN- Stephen Baldwin vs Ron Paul National Debate on Marijuana Legalization

    thanks for the link man! Baldwin is a queer, brining up his biodome and half baked part HA! Ron Pual for Prez!
  18. waldocat420

    California to legalize!

    dude, your economy is way off. . if more people started moving here our unemployment rate will sky rocket more than it already has.. and more people will be fighting for houses, therefor there will be more demand and not enough supply. . your house prices will rise. you think all this migration...
  19. waldocat420

    Any central cali growers

    im in san diego now, but born and raised in central cali. .
  20. waldocat420

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    im guessing your definition of good weed is very low. $90-120, is insanly cheap for an ounce of good weed, and then give you a free quarter on top of it. .