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  1. Drgreenz

    to get revenge on ex's??

    yea if its true that is pretty fucked up on every one involved parts. sad part is its not illegal if you know you are being filmed or photographed then the person who takes it owns the film as their intellectual property and can do pretty much whatever.
  2. Drgreenz

    to get revenge on ex's??

    Hey i was on a game earlier and these people were all talking about this website it is basically some girl who cheated on her man and got it filmed now he puts it on the net. i was just curious how many people actually have or know someone who...
  3. Drgreenz

    Spartan vs Ninja....who will win

    hey guys im working on my degree in history with my major in military strategy, and agree that the spartan would most likely win most of the time. There would be times where the ninja would win but there would be a higher chance for the spartan. they were trained to fight both formal enemies and...
  4. Drgreenz

    does finely ground up weed get you higher?

    cool thanks for the input guys. Peter thanks for the physics behind it.
  5. Drgreenz

    does finely ground up weed get you higher?

    Hey i was just wondering, in my experience even with mersh or shwagg, if i grind it really fine like to the consistancy of keif or just slightly larger, it gets me way higher than just broken up stuff of the same amount/grade. I have experimented with all different grades and have the same...
  6. Drgreenz

    The end of growing your own orgranic food??? Or not?

    yea couple that with the UN's agenda 21 and the UK's projected population decrease to 30 million people and it all starts to come together nicely huh?
  7. Drgreenz

    Do you have to feed mothers?

    i use nutes, but just some generic walmart kind. i dont use constantly, just after cuts are made to get her healed up nicely.
  8. Drgreenz

    Transitioning from soil to hydro ~~ +REP for advice

    i am in the same situation as you and have decided on a 2 res system. basically it is 2 reseviors(30gal tubs from walmart), 3 6"pvc pipes cut to whatever length, i got 4', and a 4" hole cutter for the basket pots. Cut 2 holes for the 6" pvc to fit into in the top or res one, then 2 more holes...
  9. Drgreenz

    how well does animal repellent work?

    yea also for animals every time you go out pee by your plants and if you have to, take a big shit out there, those scents will keep damn near any animal away for long periods.
  10. Drgreenz

    9 million homes in foreclosure?

    the market was so hyperinflated to begin with, this bubble bursting is not a drop in the housing market as far as prices go, it is the market righting itself from the overinflation caused by the government forcing banks to make subprime loans to people with no downpayment, not enough income ect...
  11. Drgreenz

    how well does animal repellent work?

    any brand i spose. for bugs i know soapy water works but dont put it on your plant or by the roots, just around the area, or any kind of physical barrier like a piece of 6" pvc tubing put around the stem of the plant.
  12. Drgreenz

    Does anyone think the world is going downhill?

    yes and yes morality and intelligence has both gone out the window. its all part of the socialization of the world, its hard to rule over good morally strong people with good principals.
  13. Drgreenz

    how well does animal repellent work?

    moth balls spread all over work pretty well for deer and rodents. i would just stay away from anything that is a spray or liquid so it doesnt get into the plant
  14. Drgreenz

    second set of true leaves

    in the first month or so most of the growth happens under ground. for the most part, they will sprout a set real quick then start building their root structure a bit before really shooting up. i would personally wait before feeding unless as frmr said you do it in moderation.
  15. Drgreenz

    Black Lights

    its to simulate uv light just go to a pet suply store and get a uvb bulb they are like 10 bucks, this will make the plant produce more trichs.
  16. Drgreenz

    Can you have too much light?

    after about 10,000 lumens, cannabis will begin to stress and possibly start to bleach.
  17. Drgreenz

    Dwc Grow Club

    hey new medical grower here. i have don dirt and hydroponics but am looking to try a DWC grow, could anyone here give a good explenation of a set up and what not?
  18. Drgreenz

    Apparent slow growth - please offer opinions.

    lol i just had a little stunter like that, it stayed just like that for nearly 2 weeks then seemed to catch up in like 2 days. i would say wait and see for a bit.
  19. Drgreenz

    Am I Ripe?!

    no i would say at least a week or so, looks like a lot of potential new growth, i know it sucks to wait the first time what i did was when "I" was ready i waited one more week.
  20. Drgreenz

    Right wing radical or terrorist...???

    that is some nice lookin buds, i love the purp wreck it has great bag apeal and Fucks you up good.