That's pretty cool now they just dress up in suits and steal our money AKA insurance company execs:mrgreen:
What I really want to know is what kind of herb they were stuffing in the beakbongsmilie
I'm confused, I know Rob Cory was fighting the sales tax but all the dispensaries around here already pay sales tax is this a really old article or something?
You know what I really miss? The RIU where people cooperated and when they had a problem they brought it up in private rather than acting like children and posting pictures of people shitting in each others mouths:roll:
Yah I'm pretty sure he uses them all the way through and I would think that if they appear to be a problem you could just take them out and cut out some B&W poly to cover the tops. I do know you will have to support your plants somehow, stinkbud uses those rails to support his plants.
I use gravity at half the recommended strength and follow with a watering of just plain water. Never used purple maxx but the directions are pretty clear about cutting back nutrients and amounts on the bottle.