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  1. NewGrowth

    leave the vape on

    mine was $260 at the head shop but I've seen them online for $199 and less. My next purchase is going to be a volcano for sure.
  2. NewGrowth

    I am NOT the oldest person here !

    Thanks for the history lesson Rosmeman :peace:
  3. NewGrowth

    3600w growroom w/ OG kush [1st time] -cycle grow 2 rooms (PIX)

    Rip-off artists everywhere, sorry to hear that Boo. So are you planning to re-locate the grow?
  4. NewGrowth

    leave the vape on

    Mine has a ceramic heating element those ones with coils make the weed taste nasty:-?
  5. NewGrowth

    leave the vape on

    Yah I wish I could drive my vape, my car is out of commission right now . . .:lol:
  6. NewGrowth

    4x4 Tent - Blue Hash and A-Train

    looking good man, I'm in!
  7. NewGrowth

    PC Planter growing Automatic AK 47

    I don't think you put it down into the plug far enough, looks like the root end is hanging out.
  8. NewGrowth

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Save some bacon and OG Kush for me SICC!
  9. NewGrowth

    leave the vape on

    I've left my vapor tower on for days at a time . . . still works great:blsmoke:
  10. NewGrowth

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I'm still a bit baked from last night . . . .
  11. NewGrowth

    Ahahahaha stupid people

    LMFAO! Now that is funny :lol:
  12. NewGrowth

    If you use a Portable Air Conditioner, please step in..

    Drill a hole in the water drain pan and connect some hose to either a larger reservoir or a drain. Works wonders for these portable units :wink:
  13. NewGrowth

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I've done quite a bit of research to try and figure out the difference between coco nutes and regular hydroponic nutrients. Major differences I found were; 1. Added Calcium & Magnesium 2. Often Contain Fulvic/Humic Acid 3. NPK ratio is slightly different on some brands sometimes favoring a bit...
  14. NewGrowth

    i just bought 100 dollars worth of glass

    Looks like a goldfish in there, I like that one
  15. NewGrowth

    Great here woo we are actually in the process of opening a dispensary and my garden is starting...

    Great here woo we are actually in the process of opening a dispensary and my garden is starting to become productive again after a major spider mite attack.
  16. NewGrowth

    whats the most common way of gettin caught

    Good advice, that reminds me I have to go rake some leaves:blsmoke:
  17. NewGrowth

    Whay many of us believe about America

    I agree wholeheartedly supporting your country and being a pawn for the military industrial complex are to VERY different things. When you begin to look at things without bias the truth become apparent.
  18. NewGrowth

    Anyone get one of those cash for clunkers?

    That one is good for people to know about keenly, you should read the bill at least. i don't care about codex or any of that crap but it is a fact that corporate america is about to rape us in the ass, the bailouts alone should be enough to incite SOME suspicion . . .