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  1. DWR

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    on 9 holes ? or 6 holes :D i know u didnt shoot 59 on a par 72... rofl... am i missing soming ;), Jo btw. i am training to be a golf pro. Hit me up for a round of golf in england, gona be in sleeford next week... going down to essex afterwards to meet up some m8s and party :)...
  2. DWR

    This Shit Is Just Fucking Crazy 22 days in flower WTF

    Newbies that introduce stress like over watering/fertilizing, light stress or other newbie mistakes may only find 70-80% females. ......... ??????? I dont understand...... so if its female 90% allready.. and you overwater them or heat stress them the 90% all of a sudden turns in to 70-80% ...
  3. DWR

    What's your Homepage?
  4. DWR

    What's your Homepage?

    still the same.. :)
  5. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    :) Jasper the big bang is an ok strain, guess it depends on what pheno type you have.. i only grew 1 seed... meaning that i had 1 pheno.. mine wasnt that extrodenary would of gone with the ams... :)
  6. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    havnt heard from them yet, i have sent them an e-mail confirming my new adress. they said they would send to new one.... so idk. :D
  7. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    Sorry guys for no new pics, but i am moving in to my new place, evrything all set up, and a harvest coming soon aswell.. 400w grow.. just finishing off the el nino, big bang, trainwreck... :) The el nino is fucking great ! Might have to order some more seeds !
  8. DWR

    Games take more skill than sports?

    CrackerJax, do you think baseball is a sport ? Then why isnt golf ? - You only throw a ball run around a circle, have to catch a ball.. throw it back... hmmm.... seems less of a sport than golf to me..... realy does.... :) Ohh and throwing a ball isnt hard if your a real man...... :) And...
  9. DWR

    Mosquito EXT Turbine Ultralight Helicopter $30k

    I can see myself having allot of fun with this thing :D
  10. DWR

    Games take more skill than sports?

    Code = Pre defined stuff......... There is no way you can go and do something a code wont allow you to do, where as i can do so in my sports... ;) Exmpl. My golf ball is in the water, in games u usually cant hit the golf ball from the water where as in real life say if the ball was an inch...
  11. DWR

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    Buds is looking great m8, as i said b4 amazing bud there :D how many weeks ?
  12. DWR

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    yup, its true.... all ppl that have grown longer use coco or most do. I guess next run :) got to finish my el nino, trainwreck, big bang and 8 haze. bongsmilie -- what brand u use ?
  13. DWR

    Why have more kids?

    healthier ppl = more life
  14. DWR

    Just drove a nissan gtr !

    ^^ yeah i am getting in to it aswell :)
  15. DWR

    Just drove a nissan gtr !

    My dad girlfriend has the same mercedes :D
  16. DWR

    What Other Drugs Do You Enjoi?

    I just got some Ying Yang MDMA :D
  17. DWR

    Just drove a nissan gtr !

    ahhh well i saw someone with it dtoday.. amazing car !
  18. DWR


    ^^ he's a funny guy.. maybe talks to much sometimes, but i can imagin he's a good laugh.. :) + i pausd and rolld me a spliff and his face was so fucking funny i had to print screen it and add a spliff to his grimace :D bongsmilie He will never be an actor.. lol...... !!!!!!!!! he's daydreaming...
  19. DWR

    Just drove a nissan gtr !

    :) fucking dope ! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: - what do you mean ? i saw one today, so the one i saw must be a test driveR ? huh ??????????
  20. DWR

    Just drove a nissan gtr !

    In need for speed shift and it was fucking great !!!!!!!! I have never felt so comfortable driving a car like this one, i must say if the car is the same as in the game.. even near... WOW !!!!! I have done some amazing laps with this car, love it ! Oh and i saw one today drive by me.. WOW...