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  1. KP2

    Topping your plants early?

    we are, just had a hateful individual pop up out of the blue. thread is moving along. topping early makes for a plant with more plant like tops (ie, two plants, one pot look). topping later makes big bushes. my preferred technique is to grow to 14'', top, allow sides to catch the new tops...
  2. KP2

    SOG Question

    mostly indica. a godbud cross. i have a sativa that yields more for the same area, but isn't exactly a sog plant. lots of branches, lots of 6-9'' buds; more a scrog with no screen...that one i grow a bit larger, then train into a vine-like canopy. what strain are you growing?
  3. KP2

    Topping your plants early?

    you don't know, but i'm the fool? :bigjoint:
  4. KP2

    SOG Question

    1/4oz in dirt, 1/2 oz in hydro is pretty standard, though some super systems produce 2oz and more per plant (i had one oddball cola weigh 4oz dry), but i would say this isn't typical.
  5. KP2

    Getting a Pit Bull Pup!

    lol :p i've had plenty of "dangerous" dogs, and never an incident (well, not to ME, anyway; strangers aren't always welcome, especially uninvited...). no dog does anything for no reason, pit bulls and dobermans don't just "snap". there are warning signs, and if you know dog psychology, you see...
  6. KP2

    how long can i germinate seeds?

    no, just take another plate (same size or slightly smaller) and put it upside down on the one with the seeds. this makes a humidity dome, and the towels will not dry out, even after 14 days.
  7. KP2

    Topping your plants early?

    wrong. if you FLOWER too soon after topping, you'll get a shitty yield. always wait a minimum of 7 days after cutting anything to flower.
  8. KP2

    Getting a Pit Bull Pup!

    i think dogs are 99% who raises them. "unpredictable dogs" are usually those that are either neglected, not trained, mistreated, or a combination thereof...
  9. KP2

    flowering soil consequences?

    compacted dirt is a pain, yes. also, when hairs start going red/brown, you usually have two to three weeks left. this is the last part of flower, when the plants really start packing on the pounds (metaphorically speaking). when the calyxes look like they're holding seeds, they're ready.
  10. KP2

    what can you pull off two 600w lights

    4-6# would be the top end of the goal plan... realistically, 1lb per light.
  11. KP2

    Getting a Pit Bull Pup!

    i had a solid white one with blue eyes, but he was a sick pup, and died (the guys whole litter died, we think it was a parvo outbreak...) anyone have a white one with no markings?
  12. KP2

    Getting a Pit Bull Pup!

    depends, really.... bigger and stronger usually. mine is 150lbs, can crack a 2'' diameter bone with a simple chomp :D. most pits are under a hundred pounds. staffie's get bigger, but aren't as ill tempered (i like them better than pits). i like the versatility of the gsd's, i've never had an...
  13. KP2

    Getting a Pit Bull Pup!

    get a german shepherd. they bite harder :p. jk guys, don't have a cow :p
  14. KP2

    how long can i germinate seeds?

    i've left some for 2 weeks and slightly longer, 2'' roots and first leaves growing in the towels.... :p. to some, the longer the better, as a pre-sprouted seedling will grow immediately with no waiting for sprouting.
  15. KP2

    cutting clones for 2 tap roots

    clones don't have tap roots, they have roots. seedlings have tap roots. :p when a clone roots, it'll put out many shoots, not one.
  16. KP2

    So you know a bit about growing do you?

    that's either a mercury vapor or multivapor lamp, which will work fine in a mh ballast. spectrum is bad though, get a mh bulb for far better results. mv is way too blue.
  17. KP2

    Growing Mushrooms....or trying at least.

    i've tried wbs, and i don't like it. too slow, too fussy. i'm using cracked corn now, with awesome success, colonized jars in 6-10 days, and no water/contam issues. i've thrown out 36 jars of birdseed to date. all the corn but one jar has been successful, and my first corn casing is fruiting...
  18. KP2

    19 Purple Erkle Clones + 1000W

    nice :mrgreen:
  19. KP2

    does hps mess up cameras?

    it's not the light, but the magnetic ballast that screws up digital pix.
  20. KP2

    Please show me your pics of high PH soil problems

    i get really crappy dirt anymore, no way around it during the winter... here's some seedlings with low ph (5-5.5)