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  1. Space Angel

    Hairs changing colour too early?

    I wait till buds have fairly nice development before start any kind of enhancer. I do apply my molasses when budding is noticable, that's just me though, but have had excellent results in the past
  2. Space Angel

    Hairs changing colour too early?

    Exactly... who needs a scope? he knows what he's talking about^^^^^^
  3. Space Angel

    Early flowering - Drawbacks

    Dude you are fine! Budding process starts normally in August (northern Hemisphere). we started losing daylight June 21, but reaction to this won't be noticeable until august
  4. Space Angel


    Thanks dudes!:blsmoke:
  5. Space Angel


    I used molasses for the 1st time last year with great results and can't remember the water/molasses ratio. I think it was 1 tablespoon per gallon, am I right??? I'm into some serious bud right now and need to start molasses.....thanks everyone!:peace:
  6. Space Angel

    I need advice from a pro.

    I've got 10 different strains out and they look like they're thriving in this heat. wow, did your thread ever get hi-jacked big time!
  7. Space Angel

    will a 24 hour light cycle stress plants?

    that's interesting! i keep mine in an 18-6 hr cycle for 2 weeks and harden off and outside till harvest. mother nature is a beautiful woman!
  8. Space Angel

    will a 24 hour light cycle stress plants?

    yeah, he wouldn't wanna leave them to long and then go outside, for trouble would likely follow! I understand what you're getting at!:bigjoint:
  9. Space Angel

    will a 24 hour light cycle stress plants?

    It is an outdoor forum. he ask about lighting cycle till they're ready to go outside. his question was appropriate.
  10. Space Angel

    Taking them from indoors to out.first time,I got questions.

    landracer is exactly right. they can take alot while small, but damage can occur when bigger. harden those babies off if applicable.
  11. Space Angel

    Passthatsh!t23 First Offical grow.

    LOWES sells a germination kit for about 5 bucks that works flawlessly. i use it every year
  12. Space Angel

    what time of yr is best to start outside?

    No not June! after the last frost date for your area. you and I are close to one another,and I plan on last part of april, first part of may. Farmers Alamanac is very dependable for getting good times to start a garden. Now...although we are seeing spring arrive early, I could bump that back a...
  13. Space Angel

    what fertilizer should i use for flowering

    Beastie Bloomz is the shit! 0-50-30 and watch them mothers swell up. it's all I use plus molaases!
  14. Space Angel

    where to grow

    then I'd say you will be fine. don't make a beatin path, for ppl always wonder where it will go. try different routes to it and you'll be ok!
  15. Space Angel

    Northern Ohio Outdoors (Best Indica to get?)

    PPP is another strain which would be a good one for you.
  16. Space Angel

    Northern Ohio Outdoors (Best Indica to get?)

    I'm in N.E. Ohio and I love the white widows and snow whites. they will suit your needs I believe. quick and short and killer smoke!!:bigjoint:
  17. Space Angel

    Advice Needed On Planting Late

    yeah, my clones are just getting good rooting by 1st to mid june and gets me a couple or more oz's.
  18. Space Angel

    where to grow

    if you're ever in doubt about a grow area, then don't do it there!!!! far and away is much better than close and noticable.
  19. Space Angel

    I need some quick help

    Ya don't think you jumped the gun as far as nice weather is here to stay? I'm as anxious as you but have to have some common sense when the weather will stabilize for good! I'm have great weather right now, but I know it's way to early to consider going outside. another 30 days and I'm ready to...
  20. Space Angel

    first time grower here and i need help

    Bob, where you at? check your area for last frost date and you can start them inside and then go out. organics is my only way to go.