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  1. Space Angel

    Bury a Fish underneath your plants!

    yep! I use moth balls too to help keep deer away. it does work as I see tracks everywhere but around my plants. I piss about 4' away from plants. never a problem!
  2. Space Angel

    Bury a Fish underneath your plants!

    36 years of growing and I have pissed around my plant each visit to them, don't know how many gallons I have leaked out in that time, but never had any that stunk like piss. fish emulusions is the best (imo). my plants love it!
  3. Space Angel

    Importance of direct sunlight??

    that's because he's (cracker jax) right. plants getting some shade during the day will only benefit them. heat stress will do great harm to a plant and thus yeild will be sharply reduced.
  4. Space Angel

    Home Depot Soil and Nutes?

    I have used MG in past years and there's nothing wrong with it. don't listen to who ever, for they are just passing useless info on from what they probably read somewhere. MG actually is PH balanced which is what MJ needs as you know. some types og MG have time released nutes. I used to mix MG...
  5. Space Angel

    Do seeds smell?

    this was my input on international ordering.....state to state????? I don't know. it's all a gamble regardless. To me, I'd rather order from any state than international. (imo)
  6. Space Angel

    Do seeds smell?

    I love your avatar.... one to many leaves though!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Space Angel

    Do seeds smell?

    if ordering, they are sealed up for the most part, but now and then customs will open to inspect, not all the time though!
  8. Space Angel

    cloning outdoors

    Goose, I do this every year. Take my clones and dip into clonex and put them in their own pot and just keep the soil moist and let nature do the rest. some cover with plastic dome to help them take root, but I prefer not to as I had a mold issue and they didn't take root any quicker. my success...
  9. Space Angel

    When to start growing?

    I also start mine under the lights 2-4 weeks prior to putting them outside for good after harding them off first.
  10. Space Angel

    When to start growing?

    I swear by the farmers almanac on last frost to be expected...........they are pinpoint accurate. last 7 yrs. have been on!!!!
  11. Space Angel

    Good Strain 4 Outdoors

    this is where i get all my seed needs and came within a week.
  12. Space Angel

    hey goose, good to see and hear from you again. are you getting thing ready for our upcoming...

    hey goose, good to see and hear from you again. are you getting thing ready for our upcoming season? got most of my shopping done and looking for another great year. looking for a repeat of 2009....excellent! I'll be reading your comments faithfully, for you sound like you know your stuff...
  13. Space Angel

    Outdoor vs indoor quality

    So true!!!!!:bigjoint:
  14. Space Angel

    ? for outdoor growing +rep

    your welcome and good luck!
  15. Space Angel

    Outdoor vs indoor quality

    Although I do cherish a nice looking plant in all of it's glory, but like you said, in the end it won't matter! lol
  16. Space Angel

    how much weed??

    this is true. different regions may be better or not. me on the other hand, where I live, have had some that will net me 1lb at the best, most about 1/2 lb per plant. Still not a bad average!
  17. Space Angel

    Outdoor vs indoor quality

    I agree! I don't care if it looks like a pile of dog shit, if it'll fuck me up, then I'm smoking it!
  18. Space Angel

    ? for outdoor growing +rep

    I could recommend tons, but really if you go into a seed bank site and look at some brands, it'll give you info if it would be suitable for outdoors, like harvest date! I would recommend a more indica than sativa type for you region, like a 60/40 mix or 70/30. that way it'll have plenty of time...
  19. Space Angel

    Outdoor vs indoor quality

    I do nothing but outoors. as stated, free natural sunlight, and pest and bugs can be controlled and the best yeilds will come from outdoors. (imo). the risk of indoors would be greater than outdoors, I think! again (imo)....
  20. Space Angel

    Importance of direct sunlight??

    6-8 hrs of direct sunlight is perfect.:bigjoint: