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  1. Drgreenz

    uk pop to be cut down to 30 million

    Have any of you ever tried linking all this info, with all the shit hapening in the economies around the world, and with some of the different things the ancient culturs said for this time frame?(mayans, chinese Ie Ching, Sumarians, Hopi, Babylonians, the bible, Koran, celtic druids, Greek...
  2. Drgreenz

    uk pop to be cut down to 30 million

    sorry here is the map
  3. Drgreenz

    uk pop to be cut down to 30 million

    ok so i was cruising another political forum and they were saying that Obama has signed on the UN's agenda 21 and implication is suposed to begin in spring 2012. The UN website also said it goes into effect 2012 but didn't say much else about "how". But even the UN website states that under...
  4. Drgreenz

    Iran Update...

    Besides joint, your not allowed to speak until may 5th remember? lol
  5. Drgreenz

    Iran Update...

    read on ass those are the total numbers, the numbers i stated were the point at which the US stepped in(started sending aid, food, red cross relief) you know, the point at which it stopped being a civil war and started being genocide.
  6. Drgreenz

    high times hobbies???

    yea ive looked through your grows pretty damn good, i bet they did keep you buys lol.
  7. Drgreenz

    uk pop to be cut down to 30 million

    hey that might be a good start, i would like to see the average carbon emissions compared to the average polititions emissions. they want to get rid of us for the greenhouse reason lets start with them.
  8. Drgreenz

    Iran Update...

    and actually its not MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND.... it was about 200,000 in Rwanda and only 10,000 in darfur(sudan) with another 200,000 displaced. so please if you are going to argue against me get your facts straight
  9. Drgreenz

    Iran Update...

    wow woomeister another SW UK argument jsut like the others, they must really raise you all right out there. The argument wmd's? well im sorry to say but yes Iraq had used wmd's in the past, recall tens of thousands of kurds being killed by syrin gas in the late 90's and early 2000? wtf do you...
  10. Drgreenz

    WTF Is Our Country Doing?

    here is a better vid
  11. Drgreenz

    WTF Is Our Country Doing?

    Watch this it is fucking scary shit to see what our country is fast becoming thanks to the new "Christ Obama"
  12. Drgreenz

    Iran Update...

    lol that was back on oct 03 here is me now.
  13. Drgreenz

    Iran Update...

    Hell 1:what was your MOS? 2:Where were you stationed? 3:Where did you go through basic? Me= 1: 11B, 2:Camp Yongin Korea then Ft Carson Co. 3: Ft Benning Ga
  14. Drgreenz

    Iran Update...

    lolololol thats not you, thats not a marine, hell that isn't even an american. Look at him thats an Iraqi national police officer. You really are stupid you know.... next time at least get a pic of a marine off of google or something. FYI here is a soldier, me at 18 graduating from basic and me...
  15. Drgreenz

    uk pop to be cut down to 30 million

    You all shoul djust google agenda 21 or hell look it up on the UN website. Its a pretty scary thing that nearly every UN country has signed onto(including the US thanks to Obama last week)
  16. Drgreenz

    Iran Update...

    right down the road as in you have to go through Habanyea(actually a very beautiful city with lots of palm forests). once again dude I was in Ar Rhamadi, both times, take it from someone who has been there.
  17. Drgreenz

    uk pop to be cut down to 30 million

    no kiddin, lets start with areas that have basically failed at providing the world with something good lately.
  18. Drgreenz

    Obama Response to Online Forum

    think he is talking about his 11:30 press thing today. But wth im down to march, grab a gun first so you might accomplish something real.
  19. Drgreenz

    uk pop to be cut down to 30 million

    So looks like the UK is going to be the first country to actually initiate the UN's agenda 21, an agenda to cut the earth's population down to 500 million(93% decrease).