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  1. WWgrower

    Weed and Airport security

    Wow this thread has been going since Jan. of 08. I wonder how or if any of these people on here took the suggestions and got popped at the airport. Just a thought. !0 months I wonder if that is some kinda of record or something. But I think that "Christianity has been debunked" has been...
  2. WWgrower

    DIY Febreze Odor Control Bucket

    So is everyone saying a bottle of last a month. Also how much if any water do you use? Thanks!
  3. WWgrower

    whats the best way to kill the smell

    Ona Spray? Is there really a Ona spray? I need to check that out never heard that one.
  4. WWgrower

    kind of daylight

    I still can't figure why you would do this in your living room? Are you going to do this in the corner or something. I hope you don't have any windows to look into and see a plant sitting in the middle of the room. I can't get this idea, out of my head of a charlie brown christmas tree type...
  5. WWgrower


    Do a search there have been a lot of post about it and it all ends up the same. I'm sticking with tried and true MH AND HPS. I don't have the time to experiment and won't with my girls! Sorry your not the first to bring this up and won't be the last.
  6. WWgrower

    informants and warrants (waht is nessicary)

    Wow, Lights on, no one home. Provoking a police officer is just plain stupid. All they need is very little probable cause and they can think one up while talking to you and you screw up and say just a little thing you think is nothing but it leads to a world of shit. Hope your life is clean and...
  7. WWgrower

    kind of daylight

    In your living room??? Why would you do that? I think maybe you should do some more research.
  8. WWgrower

    fluctuating temps?

    A thousand watt heater is very low for a heater you'll be hard pressed to get much lower. Temps are a very important factor. You first need to get a accurate thermometer for the room. I have one with a remote I can monitor from the other side of the house. The temps from coldest part to the...
  9. WWgrower

    min/max humidity

    Depends where you are at on your grow if for veg. it can be high. I never went above 60 to 65. As far as for flower you want to keep it on the low side. If the hum. is too high you risk mildew. I never went above 30 to 40. Hope this helps.
  10. WWgrower

    whats the best way to kill the smell

    ONA BLOCKS WORK as do can filters. Really depends on how much you want to spend.
  11. WWgrower

    Deer Hunters Discover Large Marijuana-Growing Operation

    Maybe it's the photo's or maybe it's the overcast or maybe it's just me, but those plants look like crap! I mean if I had plants that looked like that in my room I would be posting pictures asking for advise.
  12. WWgrower

    odor and carbon scrubber help

    Just put a fresh ONA jar in the room. Don't last more than a few weeks but it really does destroy the smell.
  13. WWgrower

    what effects potency

    No one can tell you any thing more. To get the most out of a plant read and learn from these forums. You'll never know how to get the most out of your plants, till you get your hand dirty and your feet wet from trying. Beware the growing can be more addicting than the smoke. (That was good got...
  14. WWgrower

    odor and carbon scrubber help

    The plants need fresh air for sure but if your opening the door for fresh air then you need a fan and filter rated for both rooms. Your will be letting exhaust escape with the door opened so you need to be able to filter that extra room also.
  15. WWgrower

    Carbon filter on cool tube?

    Shagman, If your light is air tight, then your just filtering the air from outside your grow.
  16. WWgrower

    Carbon filter on cool tube?

    Your right as long as the system is air tight. Air coming in from out of the room and exhausting out of the room. Good luck
  17. WWgrower

    Why are so many pot heads so ignorant of the law

    Really interesting how smart he is yet doesn't know how to spell or construct a simple sentence without numerous mistakes!
  18. WWgrower

    Alternatives for De-humidifiers?

    I had the same problem last grow, it came to harvest at the beginning of summer. Sorry but to my knowledge there is no cheap alternative. I tried them all. From kitty liter to that bucket stuff of rid-x. I am going back to growing in the winter. You can find dehumifiers on craigs list and e-bay...
  19. WWgrower

    what effects potency

    I've taken crappy bagseed and got fantastic high. Yes genetics makes the plant be all it can be. Though there is no telling what the plants care was will germinating to harvest. Big growers are usually concerned with yield and don't nurture the plant like it should be. If you do it right you can...
  20. WWgrower

    Any here rented a shop and grew in it?

    Your going to want to seal it up, with the size grow you'll be looking at it, it will be a problem with the smell getting outside. Though your doing a great job so far. Wish I was that good at building!