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  1. smokeybandit22

    Any flowering techniques?

    personally I wouldnt top now, but like Bone said if u r gonna do it, than do it now. and plant that top too if u r gonna do it. should root pretty fast and can prob get into flowering in 4-5 weeks. other than that, the best advice is to keep using ur grow nutes into the 3rd week if u r using the...
  2. smokeybandit22

    never seen anything like this...

    if it was only his. Really should state this is Cervantes words.
  3. smokeybandit22

    P Skunk Post-Flush Problems

    sounds like too much water running through your system.
  4. smokeybandit22

    Rust & yellowing along with necrosis of leaf from middle to tip

    that link for the pics doesnt work. post em up again so we can help. 1500 is way high, for me anyways, but what u r describing does soend like deficiency
  5. smokeybandit22

    yellowing and rusting of lower fan leaves

    look pretty good for 4 weeks but something going on. u r right about the 6 weeks. what is their diet makeup?
  6. smokeybandit22

    Can you harvest PART of a plant?

    just dont cut the main cola off. nip the flower tops and maybe 2-3 buds down and leave the rest as tey most likely recieved less light being hidden and should pop over a week. what do your truchs look like? the pics r a bit blurry but may need more time on that bud.
  7. smokeybandit22

    Rust & yellowing along with necrosis of leaf from middle to tip

    that pic shows a stron K deficiency possibly coupled with mg but the way those edges are burnt, definately K
  8. smokeybandit22

    Light Stress?

    a mixture of sunlight and cfl's qould wqork but the main ingredient is consistency.
  9. smokeybandit22

    Anything to calibrate pH meter at home?

    I think Borax is readily available
  10. smokeybandit22

    Light Stress?

    r u trying to flower? if not, they r gonna need a consitent 18-24 hours of light-not random. if not, than yes you will stress them
  11. smokeybandit22

    Newb Question

    she may make it- dont water-overwatering prob caused it
  12. smokeybandit22

    Rust & yellowing along with necrosis of leaf from middle to tip

    sounds like an mg deficiency but really need pics
  13. smokeybandit22

    Please Help My Baby. Investment. Lol

    may make it if you dont run nutes
  14. smokeybandit22

    Leaves 'rusting', nute burn?

    900+ ppms way too high for their age, IMO. I have 'seen' 3-4 footers in DWC with max ppm at 1000 during height of flowering. you r getting lockout from high fert levels. dont forget to flush the rockwool cubes as well. the problem I have seen many many times is once the roots have grown enough...
  15. smokeybandit22

    Please Help My Baby. Investment. Lol

    u should be running ZERO nutes.
  16. smokeybandit22

    Whats wrong with my plant

    I agree about watering less. also, pick up some hydrated lime or fine dolomite lime- real cheap like $3 at home depot-add to top layer of soil-will help keep your ph at around 7. also, to raise your humidity a bit leave out a bowl of water with some rags in it.
  17. smokeybandit22

    Urgent - Fresh Res Change Leads to Dying Plants pics inside

    damn near killed em. IMO 1000+ ppms just way too much for them and to have a 3 point swing in a day is a killa. you should be mixing your nutes and water before putting ito res not after. drain that res again and run no nutes for 2-3 days. than cut what u were using in half or 1/4 even. also, I...
  18. smokeybandit22

    could some1 have a look at these,mag or nite. pics

    lloking like your ppms are high-slight overfert. also best to keep that ph under 6. drain the res and let run with no nutes for 2-3 days than add half of what u were using or even 1/4
  19. smokeybandit22

    Whats wrong with my plant

    could be too low humidity. or over fert. both will cause your symptoms
  20. smokeybandit22

    what are some ways i can control humidity?

    can u convert to F? also, watch out with lights off, as the temps drops humidity increases so maybe if you can keep the temps up a little with lights off, less time for humidity to build for when the lights r on