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  1. S

    1st grow, 1st week flowering. Male or Female?(Pics)

    its really hard to tell without magnifying it. get a 30x or a 60x and check it out at a closer look. magnifiers come in very handy trust!
  2. S

    Need help with determining Sex

    go out and buy a 30x or 60x magnifier you will be able to tell the difference then but the ballsacks are male plants
  3. S

    another EPIC FAILURE

    lol the bush vido was priceless! lol what a smooth guy he is! lol
  4. S

    The Trimming from Topped Plants

    lol toss em... wait till your harvest and just make some real hash... one more thing, what was it? o yea be patient!
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    Have I topped too early?

    perhaps the plant has been using most of its nutes for new growth at the top of the plant and that why it looks like it does. are you using any nutes on the plants now? i usually top mine at about that size but i've seen the new growth take as long as a week and a half before it was showing the...
  6. S

    my clones need help

    you shouldve done this: once you take the cutting, run the cut end under water to prevent any air bubbles getting up in the stem. then take a clean bacteria free razor blade and make tiny upward slices on the cut end. run the cut end under water again to ensure no air bubbles. dip the cut end...
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    Would You Like To Live Forever???

    i hope i die at 70 and come back as a marijuana plant.... lol im not sure i would like to be frozen. its not a natural life that way
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    Dangers of shrooms?

    god i absolutely love boomers! like every1 else said... if someone is selling them they are probably of no harm and far from a hard drug.... crack and heroin are a hard drug. i consider hard drugs anything that is a man made substance
  9. S

    drug test help please i'm fat!.

    simple solution... go to a local head shop or an online head shop and order pre-mixed synthetic urine... if its for a job they cant watch you pee in the cup! they cant legally even go into the bathroom with you... unless you maybe are a truck driver but if you never get drug tested before then i...
  10. S

    advise needed please help

    4 - 23watt(6500K) Daylight CFL's AND 2 - 23watt(2700K) Soft White CFL's = vegging lights 18 hours on/6 hours off = veg light schedule 4 - 23watt(2700K) Soft White CFL's AND 2 - 23watt(6500K) Daylight CFL's = flowering lights 12 hours on/12 hours off = flower light schedule nutes shouldnt be...
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    Bud porn - day 45 from seed under CFLs

    yea i need to purchase a 6500K bulb for my flowering plant and another 2700K for my vegging plants... broader spectrum is better
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    Whats the lr2 really like

    isnt lowryder an auto-flowering strain? if so keep it under an 18/6 light cycle and it will do all the work, no veg cycle!
  13. S

    Afghan Dream

    dope grow journel and keep up the good work.... im not sure about the soil question. i would think if the the government wont let it through sale wise how the hell are you gonna stealth mail a bag of soil? lol just get the nutes and soil now, keep everything sealed and stored properly and you...
  14. S

    Practise grow 1.5 Hash Plant

    yea i'd like to see this as well
  15. S

    I had to kill my young ladies, inlaws!!!

    yea your wifey must not know you blaze, even if its once in a while.. shouldve transplanted into pots if they werent already, take em inside and finish em off... or at least keep them under a light and timer w/ fan until you got back... then you couldve just dug another hole and plant the pot...
  16. S

    my grow

    got any pics?
  17. S

    Transplant date?

    unless you mean when should you plant your seeds from germination? if thats the case you simply germinate them until the taproot exposes itself from the seed
  18. S

    Transplant date?

    you shouldnt transplant them until your root system is well established and healthy... no certain date, but you should either consider vegging with jiffy pots for the fact that once the root system has established you can place the jiffy pot with the plant inside a larger pot for transplant...
  19. S

    top part ?????

    shitty for me im only at the end of week one of flowering, got any pics cheef?
  20. S

    600 to spend

    I'd probably buy a new helmet for my cbr, and spend all 600 on it