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  1. demonic1

    Cross breeding..... dumb question

    HUH? Do you mean that the two will grow into one plant and you get a cross of the qualities of the two plants? I would think that would just get you two separate plant that have there roots intertwined and growing too close to each other. If this somehow works, it would be great because I do...
  2. demonic1

    how much does growing weed smell?

    I would think you would want a lot of herbs then. Like basil, oregano, sage, .... stuff like that to mask the smell. I've never grown herbs with my "herbs" but my understanding is that they grow very well in the same type of conditions. Also if you can, I would try to vent it outside then you...
  3. demonic1

    First Grow, Super Excited

    You could try rotating the net pots every couple of days. They're probably stretching cause they're the farthest from the light.
  4. demonic1

    Question about DWC set up

    The T12's are big and bulky and T8 fluorescent lamps offer better efficiency, lumen maintenance, colour quality, fixture optics and life-cycle costs. Although the fixure is cheap, you'll find a lot less options for bulbs for growing and higher enery costs since T12's aren't as effiencent as say...
  5. demonic1

    anyone know what kind of plant this is??

    Looks exactly like Alaskan dirt weed right now.
  6. demonic1

    please help distinguish sex

    Two weeks flowering pics No male pics...... They just get killed.
  7. demonic1

    Electrical: Tapping into lighting outlet for power outlet?

    You can buy a light socket that has regular two or three prong sockets on it for you to plug in anything at any hardware store or even walmart. Here's a pic of one that I found although they have way better ones than that but you get the idea or you could just wire it up for a outlet plug.
  8. demonic1

    ++++ rep for answers

    Small fluffy buds, although I think a lot of the bloom nutes are all P and lack enough N during flowering. I like to add a little extra N than what the recommeded feeding schedules by the nutrient companies (basically GH).
  9. demonic1

    Parents coming to visit

    How does that hide the lights or the sound of the pumps? :o The only time the gay thing wouldn't work is if your parents weren't suprised if you told them you were gay.:spew: So how did your parents take it? :hump: Does one's sexuality have any impact on ones sense of humor?
  10. demonic1

    Clones no roots

    Your clones look nice and healty. Give it some time, the roots will pop out soon enough. I personally like to have the rockwool cubes sitting in about an 1/8" of water so the roots aim for the water and I like to cut the leaves in half but I've done it both ways. If they were dying, your leaves...
  11. demonic1

    going out of town

    Get a couple of these....... It doesn't look like you have that many plants.
  12. demonic1

    Parents coming to visit

    Tell them your gay. After that, I'm sure they won't notice the smell, see the light in the closet or hear any pumps. And you can bet, they'll want to get out of there as fast as possible.
  13. demonic1

    Will pay for yield/highest profit margin

    For a long room like that double closet, I would skip the cfl's and use a light rail system. They're not that expensive and give better coverage than having a pile of stationary cfl's.
  14. demonic1

    I germinated 12 seeds then planted them and they stil havnt sprouted afta 3 days WHY?

    Pretty hard to tell you anything from your discription. You could of overwatered since you don't say what your pot size is, what type of soil you used or even how deep you planted them. We can't tell how hard you packed the soil so it might be that but I would say 3 days isn't enough to even...
  15. demonic1

    First Grow, Super Excited

    Congradulations on your newborn(s). Hope the girls grow up to be big, fat stanky bitches. (not something I would usually say to a proud new parent) ;)
  16. demonic1

    Did I switch to 24/12 too early??

    What kinda lights are you using for flowering? The 12/12 is right but if your not using the right type of light, that could really slow your flowering down.
  17. demonic1

    can any one tell me whats wrong with my plants

    That last pic sure looks like a PH problem to me. What kinda soil are you using? Might be nutrients being locked out now. So I would test the soil or maybe just use some different soil and replant. Thanks for the rep too.
  18. demonic1

    looking for 1ft flouroescent tube setup

    Get T5 HO's for growing. The pictures of the units you were looking at aren't HO which requires a differnt florescent ballast is my understanding so you would need a lot more of those to power your grow area.
  19. demonic1

    can any one tell me whats wrong with my plants

    It sure looks like a PH problem to me. Maybe try using a different PH tester and PH your soil again too. It doesn't look like a calcium problem to me but others with probably a lot more experiece than me might have a different opinion. Good luck!
  20. demonic1

    I know what my problem is, now I need to know how to fix it....

    I would think that a lot do not answer questions like yours without pic is for fear of misdiagnoses. It is so easy to tell you to do one thing and be completely wrong because of your description or because of there misunderstanding. Many plant problems are very similar and misdiagnoses could...