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  1. demonic1

    About to order lights, which one should I get?

    I would buy new. For the price difference, it just isn't worth dealing with someone elses problems. I've bought "refurbished" stuff before and its almost always been crap. Save the money somewhere else till you get more to do the things you want to do.
  2. demonic1

    Finally got my seedlings under a light, NEED HEEEEEEEEEELP

    Yeah, I agree. They don't need light till they sprout. They do need warmth though and I would use a heating pad or like the guy above says, his cable box. Which i'm not sure it would do any good if its not turned on during the night. But try to keep them slightly warmer than room temperature is...
  3. demonic1

    Redworms, where to get?

    Fishing store, maybe. I've also seen an ad a long time ago saying they gave you a pile of worms with a composing box, so maybe try a place that sells composting equipment.
  4. demonic1


    I've never personally ever used the stuff but if the only reason your using it is to not burn your plants, you might want to consider some other factors. Like the smell. I've been told that stuff stinks up your whole house, so if your growing indoors, you might want to think about that.
  5. demonic1

    just click the thing that looks like a scale on the top right of a post. Its just a way of...

    just click the thing that looks like a scale on the top right of a post. Its just a way of recommending someone on here that has been helpful. I think that it just adds credibilty to some posters. I'm fairly new too and I've noticed that people like to be recommended. So I kinda want a few reps...
  6. demonic1

    Need help topping a plant!!!

    If you found it helpful, rep me please.
  7. demonic1

    Aqua Globes?! Good or Bad Idea?

    Can you believe this guy? I'm sure just about every subject on anything to do with marijuana growing has been discussed somewhere at sometime including your comments to use the search option. So STFU and stop being repetitive. As for discussing it again, I might actually have questions for the...
  8. demonic1

    Need help topping a plant!!!

    Forget topping, FIM it.
  9. demonic1

    Aqua Globes?! Good or Bad Idea?

    Yeah, I'd like to know if anyones tried these also. They would be good if your going out of town for a week too, if they worked.
  10. demonic1

    Open pollen sac pictures

    Do you have pics of your plants?
  11. demonic1

    white shit on my plants.

    If ur jackin it around your plants and your blowing a "powdery" white substance, I think you need more nitrogen and water. Should this be posted in the Plant Problems section?
  12. demonic1

    Growing with dog poo?

    I would imagine its very high in nitrogen however who would want to smoke his shit after? And I would think he would have to add some nutes for flowering.
  13. demonic1

    Why do my leaves keep getting spots?

    Calcium deficiency
  14. demonic1

    ppm meter drop in water help

    If you turned it on when it was wet at all or if it was on, its probably fried. There 20 bucks on ebay, not sure if its worth taking in to have it fixed. Most shops will charge you 20 bucks to walk up to the counter to talk to you. Just get a new one.
  15. demonic1

    DWC question

    Yes, you can you a water pump and plumbed through some pipes to some sprayers to spray a mist to your net pots. The misting and the circulation would give it plenty of oxygen. Check out the DIY section to find some excellent set-ups.
  16. demonic1

    600w HPS or 400w MH for veg???

    Yeah, use the mh for veg and the 600 hps for flowering. Also use the tempered glass if you can. Only for safety reasons. Tempered is heat treated and shatters like you see with car windows (breaks into thousands of little pieces) but is a lot stronger. Plate glass can crack and break with heat...
  17. demonic1

    how to do with the last step??

    25 days for curing??? Thats a little too long.
  18. demonic1

    spots, yellow, PH

    Looks like a calcium deficiency. Quote from another site: "To fix a calcium deficiency you can treat by foliar feeding with one teaspoon of dolomite lime or Garden lime per quart of water, Or Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have Calcium in them will fix a Calcium deficiency. (Only mixing at...
  19. demonic1

    Just a quick question about using tin foil on the walls of my grow room

    Save up all your potato chip bags and paste them to the wall.
  20. demonic1

    Has anyone used mushroom compost as a supplement?

    Wet mushroom manure stinks and gives off a really foul odor. Not sure I would want that in my house ever. For an outdoor grow, I would think it would work great.