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  1. JonnyBlunt88

    Munch Box says all rollitup hates me...

    He lives in Alaska...what do you expect. J/K trapper, your alright in my book. BTW, not the best time to join the Army.
  2. JonnyBlunt88

    my new humidity dome

    That's all a humidity dome basically is... You could root some small clones in there.
  3. JonnyBlunt88

    Munch Box says all rollitup hates me...

    Haha...this thread is funny. Some folks take the internet too seriously, and are way too sensitive. Blueberry blunt on me... puff, puff, pass :joint:
  4. JonnyBlunt88

    my new humidity dome

    Don't see a picture link, but I'm sure it's something to behold.
  5. JonnyBlunt88

    Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

    I would never sell an oz. for that much to anyone, but it will def. pay for itself in the first harvest...depending on how well you care for them. I don't doubt your abilities though...GL.
  6. JonnyBlunt88


    Got an extentsion cord lying around...I just ran one to another outlet in the other room. I wouldn't risk all those watts in one outlet.
  7. JonnyBlunt88

    The super closet is on the way

    Hey martin, sorry to hear about it taking so long. You must be a ways from Cali...Have someone there to help you when it arrives, and make sure it's being delivered on a truck with a lift gate. Stay patient, she will come. On my model, there is only one fan pushing air through the ducts...
  8. JonnyBlunt88

    Does a Male develop a cola??

    Don't mistake that "cola" for pollen sacs like one guy did who was legally blind. Best thread to date.
  9. JonnyBlunt88

    bud rot? please help..

    Check your buds now even if you have to tamper with them. Bud rot starts on the inside of the bud, and can not be detected just by looking at the plant. Cut out any bud rot, and for future reference, good air-flow is essential.
  10. JonnyBlunt88

    FaCultGen's Grow:White Russian,bag seed, and soon MK-Ultra

    The burnt leaves should be fine, just don't synch the buds. I did the same thing, and learned my lesson.
  11. JonnyBlunt88

    New grower please help

    You won't regret it...
  12. JonnyBlunt88

    whats whith the ratting below are names

    Very true...don't do that. Post if you are willing to help people or contribute to a conversation... Too many people are posting crap around here.
  13. JonnyBlunt88

    af-gooey grow 2 weeks old

    Well I can't say that was advice...but you seem to have gotten the point. Take care of your plants and they will take care of you. If you need some help with cloning, it is fairly simple and there are many knowledgable peeps around here.
  14. JonnyBlunt88

    whats whith the ratting below are names

    It's just to distinguish the amount of posts...nothing special.
  15. JonnyBlunt88

    Panessa's Blueberry Bucket/Waterfarm Grow

    Looks like you put alot of work into that room... Great looking Blueberry, wish I had the space to grow mine that big.
  16. JonnyBlunt88

    Ebb And Flow System Help!

    Check your uptake tube. If it is too long, it could be pinching causing the water pressure to go down. I had the same problem and cut my tube shorter...flows like a river now. If you have a 15 min. interval timer, set it for 3 times a day during veg., and twice a day during flower...This has...
  17. JonnyBlunt88

    build a grow closet

    The dude up and moved...started his own site which is not doing nearly as well. I won't reference the name of it...I may get alienated around here.
  18. JonnyBlunt88

    Cloning - Soil/rockwool ect, whats best?

    Ah, got ya...I was supposed to get that stuff with my closet. When it wasn't included as advertised, I called them and was told it had been excluded due to the fact that people were complaining because they could not figure out how to use it properly. I'm going to pick some up to experiment...
  19. JonnyBlunt88

    Anyone using general hydroponics flora Nova grow and bloom?

    I am using Flora Nova right now...the plants look great but I had better results with the two part dutch master flowering nutes. The good thing about Flora Nova is that it's cheap, and highly concentrated so it lasts a while. The bad is that even when being dissolved completely, the...
  20. JonnyBlunt88

    Cloning - Soil/rockwool ect, whats best?

    I use the same method GK, but use a dome on top of a heat pad. How are you housing your clones if I might ask...