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  1. loke

    things you do high that you not think other people do??

    ^^^lmao Things I do high that other people do not?, I guess I'd have to say smile and laugh a lot at random things. I like to talk about the Logic and Physics of Space and Time sometimes, I think that's unusual unless your a nerd of which I am not, I'm simply an amature observer of...
  2. loke

    Stoners vs. Social Tokers

    I dont mean to condescend but It's obvious that an occasional toker will get higher than a heavy toker simply because the heavy toker is going to be used to the feeling of being high and the occasional toker will not be used to the feeling of highness. I'm a heavy toker and I'm currently high...
  3. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    if you can get baked without getting baked I think maybe at that point you've earned it, so bump away my friend if however you don't feel baked without getting baked then you can't bump in this venue, this is a bump for bake only thread, very formal and unbaked people cannot not bump...
  4. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    BuMp I'm holdin some good weed in my lungs as I type this gettin baked as hell, Pinapple Express is playing on tv and I'm just enjoying the hell out of life right now. Who the fk cares if that sounds ghey or whatever. I'm just feelin fine and if there was a possibility that I could some how...
  5. loke

    Buzz Killz

    You know what really kills my high? When people seem to be making a step by step report of how fucking good you feel, if I say I'm high as hell the first time, chances are I'm still gonna be high 10 mins later! Also, if my extremely religious, Sheriff mother gives me flack about being a...
  6. loke

    Ever blow your own mind?

    Haha yeah it's crazy when that happens but it's a total bummer whenever you dream about going to work and working all day and then you wake up and you have to go to work again. Argh! I hate that..
  7. loke

    Ever blow your own mind?

    hah, They all say I'm normal dude, just creative but lol there was this one Psychiatrist that told me that if I said one more word to her she would go crazy. lmao My Grandpa is Convinced that our family has a natural resistance to going crazy but with the way I talk I Challenge that...
  8. loke

    Ever blow your own mind?

    Thanks fir all of your guys' input. :) I was just trippin out on Multi-Dimensional String Theory which, basically expounds upon the theory on the Multiverse. I can't scroll down to edit my post on my iPhone S so I'll just say that I believe I can explain the Parralel(sp?) Universe Theory...
  9. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bumpidy bump! Man I'm high as the stars right now. Smoke on
  10. loke

    need a good stoned movie to watch fast.....

    ^roflmao that shit was halarious and I love malls alot too man lol
  11. loke

    The 5 word story

    The Evil Conquerers Cursed Sword.
  12. loke

    What's wrong with getting high?

    I totally agree, it's hypocritical and completely backwards. There definitely is something very wrong goin on when the euphoria from Alcohol gets people killed but the euphoria from Marijuana gets people healed, but they still treat Marijuana like the villain. The only time Marijuana kills is...
  13. loke

    How would you like your corpse handled??

    True that but I like to think of it more as a dispersal of energy through life forms which consume the remains of the corpse. This is what I believe. Think of it like this, you, are a single hand full of sugar, and when you die imagine the sugar being dumped on an ant hill. Every tiny rock...
  14. loke

    Favorite movie titles of all time... What's your favorite movie titles?

    A Porno called Ham Slammers lol a friend of mine showed me. Lol, I like how applicably phonetic the title was. Ham Slammers aha
  15. loke

    How would you like your corpse handled??

    I want to be eatin by wild Vultures or a meat eating bird or something. Basically I want the energies of my entity to be filtered through an Avian species. It's kind of a personal spiritual preference.
  16. loke

    Ever blow your own mind?

    Yeah, I have felt that sensation when thinking of these thoughts too, do your lips and nose ever tingle? One time, something weird happened when i was thinking of something like 'everything is the existence of everything else' and the TV switched on by intself and there was an announcer on it...
  17. loke

    I just tried cocaine

    IMO, It's the greatest short lived jult of Euphoria I've ever tried..... About a few hundred or so times.......I'm free from that friend now thankfully but it was fun. Be careful, baseheads are assholes you can't escape that demon that comes with heavy coke use.
  18. loke

    Ever blow your own mind?

    I was wondering if it's normal to trip yourself out with your own thoughts? Like man sometimes I think of some far out shit that just trips me the hell out. Sometimes I'm scared of the intense journeys my imagination takes me on. Especially when I'm visualizing Metaphysics theories and crap...
  19. loke


    I recently figured out that my dreams are psycic, the deatails are just hard to interperate and the timing is weird; Things that I've dreamed about a year ago are happening now, it's strage.
  20. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bump in the night, it's like 1:00am and I can't stop smoking dank man