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  1. loke

    Can smoking weed cure swine flu?

    IMO, Weed can cure EVERYTHING, until you come down.
  2. loke

    weed smells like perfume

    No perfume but one time I smoked some that tasted like meat and smelled like BO but that shit was some of the best stuff I've ever had.
  3. loke

    The cops are at my door

    LMAO, some of you people are wayyyyy too paranoid and pigs know how to smell paranoia. There's nothing worse then incriminating yourself through worry and paranoia alone. There's no reason why a normal/average person would be spontaneously nervous. Keep your heads cool, if their on to ya...
  4. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Oh, I'm smokin some Hindu kush that I got fir my birthday. Man I got a busload of pasties from a Despensary nearby too man, matter of fact, I'm suckin on the first weed lolipop I've ever eatin, right now and it's good, I'm doing good, it's all good all over ya feel me?
  5. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bump and [oh no here comes another weird comment of Lokes peeps] I'm higher than...hell? Why Hell? isn't that supposed to be low?... Nah, I'm higher than Heaven's Hell at least. Or just baked as fuck that about says it, of course I made yall say 'fuck' in your minds which was bad of me damn...
  6. loke

    haha look what I pulled this morning.

    My thoughts exactly. :clap:
  7. loke

    haha look what I pulled this morning.

    wait I'm lost here so....your actually going to bake a real cake then get baked off of weed? Go space cakes!
  8. loke

    Stoner Friendly Gas Stations On The Rise?

    ^^^ Tell me about it, I found a sealed jar (for Kush nuggets) at a Rescued Treasure store which costed something like 12 times less than an identical jar purchased at a Headshop. It's rediculous.
  9. loke

    Fuck da police!!!!!

    Hmm let me see, When should a known trouble maker NOT be followed? Ya know people like you give snobs a bad name, you think the laws don't apply to you because you live on the rich side of the tracks or something? Don't drink and drive and deface city property man that is not cool!
  10. loke

    girls could roll to!!

    Nice one, I've known some girls who can roll hella good. I'm much too lazy to waste my time and weed smoking it that way though. Yep, 3 hole bubbler all the way for me!
  11. loke

    Stoner Friendly Gas Stations On The Rise?

    Yeah, I also noticed the same phenomena. I saw many spoon pipes at the gas station nearby. The other day I also noticed a corn cob pipe at the local Orchard Supply (OSH) too, I thought it was kind of obvious what it was intended for, as it was strategically placed near lighters and butane...
  12. loke

    PS3 vs XBOX360

    I've never played the PS3 but I voted for it because after going through 3 xbox360's you start to realize the true levity of xbox360's ineptivity. PS3 all the way! and I was a 360 fanboy for a while there so this takes a lot for me to admit.
  13. loke you guys been?

    Lifes been just gravy ;) and I've made it to my Birthday when I previously had other plans for myself, so, I guess that's good.
  14. loke

    What is your Zombie contigency plan?

    Hide out in a Mannequin warehouse. Nothing throws a blood thirsty automaton off more than a Hologram, and since the smarter humans are too slow to have invented Hologram technology by now, a mannequin is the next best thing.
  15. loke

    A Rose, one stem but many thorns, like life, one road but many turns, one way to go but many...

    A Rose, one stem but many thorns, like life, one road but many turns, one way to go but many ways to yern, many ways to know but one way to learn. Many ways to smoke but only one way to burn. Yeah, the name Loke was givin to me by my dealer because I went all crazy on his ass one day when he...
  16. loke

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    Point taken and rebuttal halted but never forget, everybody; to keep the spirit and idea of freedom alive. Smoke on, for freedom!
  17. loke

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    I do admit it a lot if things could get better but you need to spend some in a third world country and see the deference. What we call freedom is only a dream to them, for how bad we have it, our ship of freedom still sails strong!
  18. loke

    Stoners vs. Social Tokers

    That's true, I'm gonna watch that right now as a result of this discussion.
  19. loke

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    IMO, it's all just needless panic caused by paranoia, fueled by misguided conspiracy theorists. My freedom was fought into existence by my strong and noble forbearers, you cannot easily kill off that which was fought for diligently, I refuse to let it. The moment my freedom is compromised is the...
  20. loke

    Doomed threads

    It's prolly my fault some people just can't cope with my infinate awesomeness. Lol j.k nah, yeah a while ago you couldn't even keep up with threads but now it's quite slow. But even though, smoke a salute bowl to those great posters who no longer post anymore.