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  1. timsatx1

    Elite Membership

    What kinda benefits?
  2. timsatx1

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    They look happy. Like sohigh said give them time.
  3. timsatx1

    early in the morning ima be up

    I guess not.
  4. timsatx1

    early in the morning ima be up

  5. timsatx1

    help busted

    Wtf is a nig? Is that monkey talk?
  6. timsatx1

    Took the daughter to the zoo today

    That's good bro. Here in sa we have a zoo. My kiddos love it. I on the other hand don't. If you've seen it once you've seen it a hundred times ya know. Poor elaphants.
  7. timsatx1

    Explain your avatar

    Guns,babies,beds. Not necassarily in that order.
  8. timsatx1

    Ever been addicted to a drug?

    Shot cocaine into my veins for ten or more years. Luckily I survived it. My veins weren't so lucky though.
  9. timsatx1

    Chicks with days into flower

    Lawrence,catch up bro.
  10. timsatx1

    High all!

    High ohio.
  11. timsatx1

    where my ladies at?!

    Not a female but their are quite abit of them here. They just don't post very often. I guess they don't want a bunch of stoned dudes tryin to hook up. Your from austin? I was born n raised there. Now in sa.
  12. timsatx1

    flowering under cfl

    Don't do that. Some just take longer than others. What strain?
  13. timsatx1

    what the eff is this ?

    I second that bird poop.
  14. timsatx1

    when to go 12/12 with the lights

    You can veg them as long as you want. Just remember they will double or triple in size during flower. Its all in how much room you have to grow. I would let them get toi about 18 inches before flower.
  15. timsatx1

    What to do on a rainy Monday night....

    Went to the local crack house and found a nice broad on the corner now I'm in love. Lol
  16. timsatx1

    Are they done yet? Pics.

    I'd let it go for a few more weeks. That's just me.
  17. timsatx1

    First Grow Item list!

    You are missing information buddy.
  18. timsatx1

    things to do wen ur chink-eyed

    You could go to work.
  19. timsatx1

    help busted

    Are you yankin our chain ? We are not here to condone juvinile delenquency. You don't "party" with smoke dude. If your "old enough to party" that means your old enough to get a job. So do it and move out a mommys house then you can leave yor bud any where you want. Stop wasting folks time with...
  20. timsatx1

    lookin for molasses answers

    Sounds like I will be using it throught the plants life and not just during flowering like I have been doing.