nice budds u got there, but i dont think thats afwreck you got there, that plant looks satvia all the way, i was told that afgooy X trainwreck = afwreck...ive been smokeing on it for a bit now and the budds are very indica (dense/hard)..i could be wrong peace.MEANGEEN.
whats ur yeild off ur set up?? what strain? nutes? soil/hydro?...
im useing canna nutes (they kick ass), in canna coco,3gal pots, PH-5.8/6.0.. im hopeing for 2oz per plant this harvest. but i mite switch back to 1 gal ...any input on this?
there about 2 weeks in to flower here..but are in 5 weeks now. i'll try to get new pics...MEANGREEN.:peace:
whats up grubs..NOT TRYING TO HIJACK, but thought i whould ask...does anyone know if pistols ( size&thickness) have anything to do with resin production??....i have noticed that my plants with many/thick pistols have less resin/THC then the ones that have few & thin pistols..also can one breed...
really??? im running a 1000watt MH and when i hooked up my "icebox" and 1/10 hp chiller i had major was a closed loop from the res to the chiller to the icebox and back...all out side of the room(tent)... the chiller puts off alot of heat for a small room that the tent is in..and i...
i think he should get rid of those bends in his ducting..and make sure the hot air goes OUT the room via ducting, running your lights at night help alot too...take the ballest out of the room too..leave the door open if u can when the light are on...all these lil thing will help alot...i got a...
i have the same prob right now but im in coco..i flushed as many as i could out last night..they killed a smaller plant i i dont want them to kill my big u water with the neem oil or just spray the top of the soil or what?...i need to know A.S.A.P!!!!!!!
who said " just back-cross what you can"??? i said:
"get a female/male THAT YOU LIKE and cross...then grow out the f1 seeds (as many as poss) then PICK a female/male THAT YOU LIKE and cross...grow out f2 seeds as many as the time u grow out ur f3's u should see a bit more...
thats only one person saying there bad, maybe it not the seeds but the grower...even with crappy bagseed i get better germ rates then that, make me think its u...not the breeder. not trying to be a ass but i whould get more point of veiw...MEANGREEN..