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  1. t@intshredder

    Growing Help

  2. t@intshredder

    Growing Help

  3. t@intshredder

    Growing Help

    I was just trying to figure out your areas sun duration on any given day. :peace:
  4. t@intshredder

    Growing Help

  5. t@intshredder

    Growing Help

    Are you in Puerto Rico?
  6. t@intshredder

    Growing Help

    Try to give it more like 18 hours and you'll be good. :peace::joint:
  7. t@intshredder

    Growing Help

    You're doing fine. Now try not to UN-grow it. ;)
  8. t@intshredder


    Are these "fruits n shit" already composted?
  9. t@intshredder

    Why do my leaves look like this?

    That can happen if you are watering them too much. Sometimes under extreme overwatering conditions, even the stem will curl up. Cut back on the H2O for a little bit. Good luck!
  10. t@intshredder

    Growtech buyers BEWARE !!!

    :lol: Foosball is the devil. If you need legit help, hit me up on PM in the morning. A big key to growing is realizing you f*cked something up, and learning from it. Don't act like someone else f'd up your ish. That's not going to make you a better grower. And if you have to act like someone...
  11. t@intshredder

    Growtech buyers BEWARE !!!

    You could of just said "I grow inside of a computer" instead of making up this whole gem. :lol: It is a damn hilarious read though ... So even though you're only 2 weeks into flower've harvested and already know your yields? How do you vent your 2 1400w(?) HIDs in a tent? Must have some...
  12. t@intshredder

    Growtech buyers BEWARE !!!

    No offense meant, but I don't think you're qualified to make that distinction. I base this off of looking through your "other" grows. Why don't you give us some info on the grow that you are referencing and we'll try to help? If this grow went anything like the other one you've posted about...
  13. t@intshredder

    Growtech buyers BEWARE !!!

    Sorry bro but it looks like that grow was struggling from the get-go. You def. burned your plant feeding as early as you did.
  14. t@intshredder

    Growtech buyers BEWARE !!!

    Had you been feeding full strength nutes prior to this? The dosages on most nutrient bottles are often WAY higher than anyone should have to feed a plant. I rarely feed higher than half-strength.
  15. t@intshredder

    Growtech buyers BEWARE !!!

    I have 2 bottles of AN Sensi ONE Grow that contain different shaded nutes. Doses of either leave me with the same water EC so clearly the lighter one has not been watered down. Maybe you just overfed?
  16. t@intshredder

    coffee and smoke

    :lol: Why would you think it wouldn't be? :mrgreen:
  17. t@intshredder

    Who wants to know how to get free seeds,,!??!?!

    No one. No one thinks it's even a good idea, let alone a great idea. You are a thief.