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  1. TheDankness

    My 164 Watt CFL Grow

    First off, that thread is not measuring lumens but rather LUX, and here's a wikipedia quote to show the difference(Btw, pretty fucking skeptical about that guy and his Lumens, lux, and adding it all up thread. I don't know how he acheives 65000 lux from one 42 what cfl, WHICH IS ABOUT 20 TIMES...
  2. TheDankness

    My 164 Watt CFL Grow

    I just moved the bulb up a few inches, god well maybe some of you were right about the heat the big ones cause, but i am not altogether convinced that's the problem. the other plant in the 6" pot is just fine, so I don't get it. please reply soon I don't want this to get out of hand.
  3. TheDankness

    My 164 Watt CFL Grow

    Thanks guys, but I maintain that LUMENS DO NOT ADD UP. So take a look at this and see if you can help me out. I just did the mod to allow my light to be in close proximity to the babies, and I noticed some browning and curling right on the tip of the inner blades of the third leaf set. I...
  4. TheDankness

    My 164 Watt CFL Grow

    First off, LUMENS DO NOT ADD UP, look it up from a trustworthy source. i heard a good analogy once. its like two cars on the highway, if two cars going the same speed merge they are still both going the same speed, whereas if another car comes speeding up at twice the speed he would fly by...
  5. TheDankness

    My 164 Watt CFL Grow

    yeah i thought about that, actually. i thought maybe if i just zip corded it to the roof on the side, i dont think the bulb gets hot enough to melt the plastic, maybe wrong though. but then it would not be able to be dropped close to the plants, conundrum. i think im going to add another...
  6. TheDankness

    Full CFL Grow - Thoughts?

    Why does everyone use those low intensity 23 watt cfl's? I just had a guy leave a comment on my thread(sorry to sidetrack, but the thought just occurred to me) insulting me because I am growing my seedling under one 65 watt cfl which has a lumen output around 5000 lumens. does nobody know that...
  7. TheDankness

    My 164 Watt CFL Grow

    Its a 65 watt man its about the size of four 26 watt bulbs. I opted for one high watt cfl as opposed to several small because lumens do not add up. having a bunch of small cfls just gives you lots of low intensity light. if you have 12 23 watt bulbs rated 1800 lumens each your plants are...
  8. TheDankness

    My 164 Watt CFL Grow

    Just thought some of the other CFL growers might like to check out my set-up. This is a project that has been going for a few weeks now. I wanted to try and grow some decent buds myself because my locality has been notorious for over-charging on pot lately, and to be frank, I am tired of that...
  9. TheDankness

    Need something to relax (just quit drinking)

    I recommend the "go to a bad part of town and asking around" thing. I don't know your locale, but just walk around the slums of wherever you live and shout, "Hey, does anyone know where I can find some Dank Bud!?!?!?" Just kidding, this will probably get you beat up, not shot(unless you live...
  10. TheDankness

    Leaves curling downward, just the strain or something more???

    Well thanks for the replies, but I don't think I'm over-watering. I do water them thoroughly but only about every other day. Plus there is one more seedling in the same size container one week younger and it is doing great. I water them till the soil is moist and not again till I can see(the...
  11. TheDankness

    Leaves curling downward, just the strain or something more???

    I'm growing 4 seedlings right now, all bag seed from three different bags, and one of them is looking a little odd. Its leaves are curling downward, which I know is a bad sign, but I'm treating it the same as the other three babies and they're doing great. This particular little one did have...
  12. TheDankness

    ak and earley skunk

    Dude it looks like your going to get an oz. off of at least one of those ladies. Well done for a first grow.
  13. TheDankness

    Help!!!!! Seedlings not doing so good,

    Are you feeding the plants any nutrients? If so, stop, don't feed your babies any nutes until at least two weeks after they're born. If this is the problem flush the soil and they should perk up. Depending on the type of lights they should be o.k. fairly close to the plants, but is there any...
  14. TheDankness

    Why do leaves turn yellow?

    sounds like your plant is still possibly to young for any nutes at all. try flushing the soil next time you water them, just keep pouring water into the soil till it starts running out the holes in the bottom of the container and do it again when the soil dries. if your plant is old enough (at...
  15. TheDankness

    Starting My Box...Input Wanted !!

    You are very welcome, I am somewhat new when it comes to growing as well but I go to school for electronics so the wiring and timer stuff comes easy for me. To answer your follow up question on whether or not to add more fans, I don't think it'll be neccessary. I just have the large one at the...
  16. TheDankness

    Starting My Box...Input Wanted !!

    PC fans are the perfect thing for a grow operation this size. I use a larger one at the bottom inlet hole pointed right at the girls to keep the stems strong, and a smaller one for the exaust fan right at the top of one of the sides. My plants get good cool fresh air and it keeps the 65 watt...
  17. TheDankness

    What should I put under these 15 LIGHTS???

    Is there actually 15 lights, or is there zero? All I see is a bunch of reflectors with ventilation, no bulbs!
  18. TheDankness

    Droopy Leaves :(

    just to follow up, i would like to thank all of you for your advice, my babies are saved!!! I could not have saved them without the expert advice of veteran growers. I hope all of you will be able to help me with future problems, and maybe some day ill be knowledgeable enough on the subject to...
  19. TheDankness

    Droopy Leaves :(

    oh, I was reffering to my seedling when talking about the reddish purpleish hue, but useful info none the less.
  20. TheDankness

    Droopy Leaves :(

    Interesting with the tray, I've never seen something like that utilized in bio grows... anyway you're right, your plants soil looks plenty moist, and your plants plenty healthy, maybe ill switch to this because my seedlings share a tray as well. You keep water at 1/4 to 1/2 inch all the time...