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  1. D

    Super Stealth

    I've seen many grow rooms with bookshelf doors but your set-up is very original--very cool----If you move you can tell the new owners it was a safe room:mrgreen:
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    Cheetahs Real Grow Journal

    Be careful!------Thats a really big grow-op you've got going.:mrgreen: Looks good---my first grow was with a cardboard box up in the attic of a condo---I used a 60 watt grow lite--the plant turned out to be a male but it wouldn't have mattered anyway cause I knew nothing about light cycles or...
  3. D

    How Long Does An Ounce Last You?

    the wife smoke three times as much as me---I'm a lightweight:mrgreen:-I use to smoke a shitload with friends.(it was nothing to burn through a quarter in a night) I use to go for the strongest shit I could find-now it's more about the taste/smell/appearance/quality-a good joint will last me a...
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    600 dollars an ounce?

    The economy is fucked up everywhere---going to buy some prop up in the mountains and become a Sasquatch.
  5. D

    600 dollars an ounce?

    I beleive you-------I'll come pick up 20 pound for 4,000.00 and I'll bring it back and sell it to the dispen for 80,000.00----you set it up and i'll split the profit with ya:mrgreen:
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    Babney Blueberry Clone

    Glad I could help you out some---good luck with the strains...
  7. D

    co2 tank usage

    1. The small tanks will not get you anywhere unless your running it in a shoe box. It would take about 16 of those 20oz to= a 20 pound tank. 2. If you run your co2 at 1500ppms you don't need to run exhaust(unless your trying to remove heat or humidity). If the temps and humidity are not a...
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    600 dollars an ounce?

    Some CA dispensaries sell grams for 25-35 dollars---you do the math---over 10,000.00 a pound...And they blow through the stuff like its candy.
  9. D

    600 dollars an ounce?

    Good stuff around here goes for 400 a zip----really good stuff for 500 and the hard to get crono goes up to 600 depending on the supply/demand-- you can also get the Mexican pressed weed out of AZ for 80.00 a zip but that shits piss and is covered with rat poison and DDT pesticides---I'd quit...
  10. D

    Dr Chronic's 'Critically Smashed' anyone?

    Whats up bro? hows the coco working? FYI----it's probably just me but Mr Nice Guy is one of my least fav strains--The smell is ok---The taste of cheap incense----It's the high I don't care for----It gives me an edgy kind of "feel crappy want to crawl out of my skin high" you know what I...
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    Soil is for Suckers

    You are the "HYDRO KING"----I have set aside a section of my room to give the AL B FUCT sog method a try just because he has the system down and I want to try something new. But I have to say that I've never had any problems with soil----Unless your growing some rare super-slow sativa strain...
  12. D

    ** Dank Growing Tips **

    ***************TIP #1*********************** Here's one that I use in soil applications that works like a charm, I call it "2 cups and a plant"--- What you do is use a clear plastic cup inside of a colored one with holes in both cups for drainage---I put a small handful of hydro-ton...
  13. D

    Water. Not How often, How Much

    What I would do is water till 1/3 of it came out the pot then let it sit for 10 mins then take a reading-----this is your maximum wet reading(mark it down)- I would then let your plant dry out just until the leaves started to sag then I would take a reading(mark it down)this is the dry-est you...
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    Water. Not How often, How Much

    It's not a basic question because there are many factors involved that effect the answer-----the strain/heat outside/heat inside/medium used/drainage/dist from light inside/air movement inside/air movement outside/humidity inside and outside----many, many more. get a soil moisture meter as...
  15. D

    A Batch of Clones in Rockwool

    The temp is always 78deg-----the only other thing is we have hard----716ppm's h2o out of the tap----could that make a diff?---I do have an RO if needed----The clones are very healthy that I tried for the test.(their still very green and healthy----just no roots on 8 of them at day 10).--I'm...
  16. D

    chemo strain

    BC SEEDS.COM will take care of you my brother---they will run you 85.00 for 10 beans plus shipping. Chemo is a strong pain fighting med and I hope You get a chance to try it out----Please take care of yourself------best growing wishes:mrgreen:
  17. D

    ***Official Nutrients Thread***

    Maybe you could try suconat???
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    Some of Lacy's Art!

    Amazing To Say The Least!!!
  19. D

    A Batch of Clones in Rockwool

    Ran into a couple of problems---Maybe you can help sort it out? 1. I soaked the cubes in 5ph for 24hrs----had to add ph down a couple of times(the rinse solution wanted to keep climbing). 2. shook the water out of each cube till the weight was about 25grams 3. took cuttings and used fresh...