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  1. smokeybandit22

    need help plz look at this plant

    if u r not gonna be ph'ing, I would suggest some hydrated lime from your local garden center mixed into the top layer of your soil-will help buffer it and keep around 7. also keep those cfl's about an inch or two from the canopy
  2. smokeybandit22

    What is going on??? discoloration/chlorosis

    that pic kind of sucks, but I must say if 12 days of 12/12 than you got some fast growers. from those crappy pics, it looks like the newer growth's fans are discoloring around the outside of the leaf edges, turning almost a lime green. if this is correct, than your issue is most likely...
  3. smokeybandit22

    wilting plant comeing back

    exactly, even to 600 HPS. they may stretch a little more, but for me the more the better-the bigger the better. and I mean smack dab too.:spew:
  4. smokeybandit22

    What am I doing wrong?

    your gals are hungry-flowering and no nutes? must be alot in the soil, right?
  5. smokeybandit22

    need help plz look at this plant

    wasnt really a guess, from experience. they are not nute burned. they are very lackluster, olive green. and that mg can be horrible if you add nutes to the equation. very hard to control the nutes with it already in the soil. meant for heavier fruit bearing plants. just make sure you dont...
  6. smokeybandit22

    is this root rot?

    u were ebb and flowing without the ebb and flow. cant sit in unaerated water. dwc is 10x easier than aerponics but good luck
  7. smokeybandit22

    anyone seen this yet?

    u think he is smart enough to grow that, that he would at least cut his toenails. hate men with long nails. gross
  8. smokeybandit22

    Thoughts out to

    lmao. u must be one of those Obama maniacs. tell me, why didnt it feeel so good every other day? oh, right, change. like nominating a Treasury Sec who evades taxes. C'mon.
  9. smokeybandit22

    Help plz

    cactus juice? I though u were growin tomatoes. you can buy shultz at home deopt or lowes. u are better of with Canna's PK14. molasses will help for now
  10. smokeybandit22

    need help plz look at this plant

    dont really have enough specifics, so if you are asking based solely on the pics I would say Potassium def from the dead and yellowing edges also, by the loss of luster and a almost silvery sheen to the leaves.
  11. smokeybandit22

    Wow big surprise another plant problem

    that first pic is lookin like P deficiency-yellowing leaf edges, tips bending down and curling up. the second pick looks like Iron def. these the same ones? and Im gonna have to agree with Boneman that your ppms are probably too high. I have had P and Mg issues from excess salt build up and...
  12. smokeybandit22

    is this root rot?

    DWC-deep water coulture-5 gallon buck for res, 1 aquarium pump, 1 air stone. voila.
  13. smokeybandit22

    My rooted clone leaves!!!!!

    well where did your root clones go?
  14. smokeybandit22

    Yellowing Purpline Leaves? Any thoughts?

    well there are diff types of flushing. u r looking at a preharvest flush, the idea being to force the plant to use up it's reserves and deplete itself of the nutes. but yours look like they have done that and look like they should be harvested soon. do check your trichs. you can water with black...
  15. smokeybandit22

    Yellowing Purpline Leaves? Any thoughts?

    they look like they should for this time. u wont have to flush these gals. the top looks like it is kinda crispy-lights close? hard to be nute burned and def at same time, but I wouls suggest you nute every other instead of 2 in a row.
  16. smokeybandit22

    is this root rot?

    okay than, you drowned them. look into DWC, easy cheap and most effective
  17. smokeybandit22

    possible problems/ any help

    dial down the nutes. too high, IMO. let them mature some before you flower-wit for preflowers. use veg nutes into 3rd week flowering than change over to bloom
  18. smokeybandit22

    Yellowing Purpline Leaves? Any thoughts?

    is this a hydro setup? 1500 ppms is alot and no way would your plant go deficient from this. 2 possiblities-excessive salt build up in the res, escpecially with Gh nutes-known for that-causing lockout, and 2, too high ppms off balance causing lockout. if hydro, really need to pick up some...
  19. smokeybandit22

    is this root rot?

    looks like they were allowed to dry out/dripper off/airstone off and died. doesnt look like root rot-u r roots are D E A D. I am assuming they r clones?