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  1. JonnyBlunt88

    i think my wife has fucked it all up

    Just don't go buy that tainted weed I've heard about floating around the U.K. Homegrown leaves no mystery as to what your smoking...stay patient.
  2. JonnyBlunt88

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    I don't know if you have already FDD, but could elaborate on your curing method after they have reached the so desired level of dryness...I recall you saying that you leave them closed all day, and leave the lids slightly ajar over night. I put this advice to practice on my last harvest and...
  3. JonnyBlunt88

    This is what plants look like right before they die

    A little water goes a long way...take care of those girls and check that sytem often. I've experienced the same thing with aero type set-ups; they require a lot of maintenence...sometimes they can be a pain in the ass.
  4. JonnyBlunt88

    do sum plants grow really small?(pic)

    The one on the right looks small compared to what? The one on the left? They look fine to me...give them time.
  5. JonnyBlunt88

    Topping advantages and disadvantages?

    It depends on the plant...I usually top my most vigorous girls. Sometimes the two colas are bigger than the ones left untopped, they just take longer to bulk up...
  6. JonnyBlunt88

    bush bashers monsters

    Or just paint them white...They help my 600W make my room glow.
  7. JonnyBlunt88

    looks like the harvest is in town

    Getting clones is just that easy...hmmm...I knew this license was good for something.
  8. JonnyBlunt88

    IS 24/7 LIGHT OK??! / how muh from 3 plants

    It's a contraversial question, but most people I've noticed lean towards continuous light for seedlings. It's what I use, works for me...
  9. JonnyBlunt88

    how many harvests are possible per year?

    Woops, didn't see your post VV...
  10. JonnyBlunt88

    how many harvests are possible per year?

    Go SoG...two plants every two weeks. 26 mini harvests a year...My next experiment... Never run out of bud.:blsmoke:
  11. JonnyBlunt88

    Ebb and floow question

    Are you talking about this one... If so, very nice...E&B really is one of the easiest IMO.
  12. JonnyBlunt88

    what is the best way to dry?

    This was my most chrystalized BB...I miss her smoke:blsmoke: I got the herb dryer on ebay, about $150...most of the cost was in the filter, prevents any smell and worked well.
  13. JonnyBlunt88

    How much yield

    I yeilded just under 8oz of good buds...I don't count the underdeveloped ones that didn't get much light, some that were burnt, and I had some rot on me. It would have been at least 12oz.
  14. JonnyBlunt88

    what is the best way to dry?

    Yes, keep the exhaust fan smell, like a huge bud dryer. I also used this real bud dryer. I liked the cab better. It was Blueberry...The stuff that cured properly tasted very sweet.
  15. JonnyBlunt88

    The PC Grow Box Challenge!

    Unfortunately, KP's shotglass competition was essentially her experiment as no one was entering. Her plant died and it has yet to be proven that one could do this... I havent seen it done in a pc case but check out this thread by...
  16. JonnyBlunt88

    How much yield

    Yeah, I didn't use co2, and as you can see lacked the space necessary for huge yeilds...Your BB should come out much better than mine.
  17. JonnyBlunt88

    How much yield

    My last harvest...6 Blueberry girls all about 3 ft. Considering you don't get bud rot, popkorn buds, or synched colas you can expect between 10 to 14oz... Conditions were optimal, not perfect but I took good care of them. Your's will be different...there are many factors to consider.
  18. JonnyBlunt88

    what is the best way to dry?

    Individual branches...less chance of mold and they dry faster. The quality of the buds is developed in the curing. I've never tried water curing, but some people try that...
  19. JonnyBlunt88

    The hog/mazar/pure/nl/j.herer/sweet tooth/pog/g13/thai/super skunk/cheese

    My BB midgets are jealous...those things really fattened up.
  20. JonnyBlunt88

    The SuperCloset

    Thanks Chiceh. How's your jungle doing...haven't seen updates in a while. Me and a few freinds are gonna party up in Canada next weekend... Can you PM me with some good places in Vancouver. Made some special brownies for everyone...