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  1. ilovekasey17

    Anyone have any experience growing catnip?

    Yeah, I've been hearing that too. Apparently, you can't even stop it. Lol. Spreads like crazy too. I'll probably just make a garden of it.
  2. ilovekasey17

    kickass bagseed 3week in flower indoors

    Yeah, very nice man. Agreed, many people talk shit about bagseed. I just grew with bagseed. Could've had more lights, but the shit is so potent, when I shared some with my little bro, he thought there was a guy playing drums in his head. Took a sniff of it after one night of curing, and it...
  3. ilovekasey17

    What is this defect??? unkown to me!!

    By the way, the first thing I noticed were those yellow dots on my leaves. Then burning came... THen leaves bagan to fall off.
  4. ilovekasey17

    What is this defect??? unkown to me!!

    Well, I don't want to say "This is for sure a pH issue" However, this plant does remind me so much of my last one, it's like I took the pictures. pH fluctuation can result in many different effects. It just depends on whether it's high acid, mildly too acidic, extremely basic, or mildly basic...
  5. ilovekasey17

    k i just got my hps light working again but my grow room now has a new pest

    It's not the heat, it's the light. They're attracted to the light because it's the brightest thing in there. Honestly, I don't know why bugs go for light. But I know they, especially bees and wasps, go straight for the light. But yeah, try wasp spray. If they're not wasps, get a specified...
  6. ilovekasey17

    What is this defect??? unkown to me!!

    Same exact thing happened with my last plant. Didn't recognize it. Did some research, and couldn't find any pictures that matched. I took the pH of my soil... It was 4.69. Check that.
  7. ilovekasey17

    Anyone have any experience growing catnip?

    So catnip isn't even picky about the light? How much of it and what kind? I'll probably just give it 12/12 of whatever CFL I'm not using at the time.
  8. ilovekasey17

    Anyone care to help me with cutting techniques?

    Yes, I read. However, I'm confused. It says grow 6 nodes, and then cut above the 2nd one. Wouldn't that just... Cut 4 nodes off? What's the point?
  9. ilovekasey17

    Anyone care to help me with cutting techniques?

    Not sure I completely understand the technique. Do you care to elaborate in simpler terms?
  10. ilovekasey17

    Can I put t5 lights in any tube light fixture?

    I already have a 48" Fluro light fixture that holds two tube lights. I was wondering if I could get 2 t5s and put them in that light fixture. Honestly, I don't see why not. They will fit in there, but I just wanted to make sure before I bought the lights.
  11. ilovekasey17

    Anyone care to help me with cutting techniques?

    Next grow, I want to... Sculpt, I guess you could say, my plant to make it focus on growing the bud in certain spots. I know I could lollipop it. I've also seen some grow only one side of the plant. Others, I've seen cut the shorter leaves and stems off of the longer and larger stems to force...
  12. ilovekasey17

    Molassess in a hydro bucket system?

    Put it this way. Molasses molds in water pretty fast. Even sealed up in glass jar, it molds in a couple of days, and that's air tight, in darkness. So yeah, unless you want mold, bad idea. Not sure what else gives the exact same affect. If anything even does, I'd like to know as well.
  13. ilovekasey17

    Can I mix organic soil with MG Potting Soil?

    Well, I actually changed my mind earlier on today. I've decided to mix the standard MG Soil with Organic soil and extra perlite. How does this sound?
  14. ilovekasey17

    Anyone have any experience growing catnip?

    I just bought 25 seeds. I feel that my cat deserves a good high as well. How exactly do you grow the stuff indoors? Like marijuana? Differently? How?
  15. ilovekasey17

    Do I have a Hermie? What to do?

    I'm seeing pistils, bro.
  16. ilovekasey17

    Is It Wise To Mix Organic Soil With Perlite?

    So, basically, it's probably safe. Thanks a lot. I've got a gallon to add to a couple bags of organic to mix with MG Soil, and perlite.
  17. ilovekasey17

    Is It Wise To Mix Organic Soil With Perlite?

    Well, it's not the soil itself, it's the organic part. I know lime eats away at anything organic. Perlite doesn't do that does it?
  18. ilovekasey17

    Is It Wise To Mix Organic Soil With Perlite?

    Is there some chemical reason for not adding perlite to organic potting soil? I know lime should never be mixed with something organic. However, what about perlite? I'm planning on mixing the organic with MG Potting soil. The MG Soil has perlite and vermiculite in it. I just want to be...
  19. ilovekasey17

    Using Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)

    Nah. Check the ACTIVE INGREDIENT label on the bock. The active ingredient should say something like "Hydrogen peroxide (Stabilized)"
  20. ilovekasey17

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    Personally I love MG. Used it my first grow. Everything worked out fine. I never needed to add nutes. Each time I transplanted, enough new MG Soil was added to give me at least another month of growth with adding nutes. Actually, I just bought some MG Organic Potting Soil. I was...