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  1. thcheaven

    Do you use antiperspirant?

    My new harvest must be DAMN good. I actually sat and read 2 pages about your guys' pits. Wow, I'm F'n stoned! BTW: I've never worn either, and for some strange reason I never smell. My wife agrees, said in 5 yrs, she may have noticed a slight smell twice when we were camping. Guess I'm blessed...
  2. thcheaven

    sock and butter. help=+rep

    I use a metal, Brass i think, coffee filter.
  3. thcheaven

    How long does it take to process donation that i made?

    I know you had my username, I saw it on the donated list. I'll PM you the invoice #. . . . . . . . . . . .
  4. thcheaven

    just toked with cold

    I ALWAYS smoke when I'm sick. Always helps me out.........
  5. thcheaven

    i need help! cali people w/license

    But, if you get a prescription for "Marinol???" you can get around the piss test. Somebody help me out here, what is the correct name of the synthetic thc medication? I'm high as hell right now and can't think straight. My 215 Dr tried to give me the script, but I don't need it....
  6. thcheaven

    i need help! cali people w/license

    ya it's bs. Some guy sued a company called "firewire, i think". the case went to the state supreme court last year, and lost. You can probably look it up on google.
  7. thcheaven

    POT (as fertilizer)

    Compost 'em. use the compost to feed next years outdoor crop. I'd be worried that the ASHES would change the PH to much. If i remember correctly ash is quit acidic. Anyone care to elaborate?????
  8. thcheaven

    i need help! cali people w/license

    If you piss hot, You will lose your job, even with a Dr.s recommendation. Sorry. As far as your job finding out that you have a Dr.s recommendation, nope, they wont know unless you tell them. It is a confidential medical record, and treated as such. Hope this helps....
  9. thcheaven

    Making Hash Tutorial

    I can only think, that you'd rip pieces of foam off....While stirring. Hash laced with tiny styrofoam bits. lOl I'd stick to a Home Depot bucket, They are on sale for $2.78 by my house right now.
  10. thcheaven

    Alternative PH adjusters/buffers?

    Ok guys, Please help me save some $$$. What is a safe CHEAP PH Down? I'm spending $25 or more a month on PH down and would like to start reducing operating costs. Thanks in advance for any help!!!!:peace::peace::peace:
  11. thcheaven

    ph up/down question about ec

    What are you using to adjust your PH?
  12. thcheaven

    How long does it take to process donation that i made?

    I paid on 4/20! Today is 5/21. I have been waiting over a month. Now I am upset, Either make me "Elite" or refund my money. A month is way excessive. Sorry about any family emergency, but it has been a MONTH! BTW, I saw my name on the donation list, so I know RIU knows I donated..........
  13. thcheaven


    BTW! No matter where you live! RATS and MICE are filthy. they leave piss all along their trails, their eyesight kinda sux so, most navigation is done by smell and touch. Now, these dirty fucks run through their own piss and shit, then walk on your counters or worse get into food. they piss/shit...
  14. thcheaven


    Find a really fine mesh metal screen, but thicker than window screen, thick like chicken wire. but make sure the holes are to small for them to get through. Then wrap your stems. Or find some NO-KILL traps. they make those you know. Some take batteries and close a door when motion is sensed. use...
  15. thcheaven


    Rats carry so much filth! Why can't you kill them?
  16. thcheaven

    I Was Selling, And The Guy Nicked My Stuff And Ran

    12 gauge! Shoot that fucking thief right in the stomach, deny his ass medical care and sit back, roll a fatty, and watch the slow agonizing death from a blast to the gut. Hey film it, put it on you tube and tell everyone you know to watch it! Nobody will ever fuck with you again!
  17. thcheaven

    Electricity ate me out of house and home

    I am in the process of adding solar panels the the entire southside of my roof. Expensive as hell, but I figured to have it pay for itself in 2 yrs. and 8 months. Then, after it has paid for itself, I'll just be saving, and saving. I wish we didn't have height restrictions, or I'd build a damn...
  18. thcheaven

    Electricity ate me out of house and home

    Kudos to xray!. Great info! May lead to lowering the parinoid delusion levels on this forum.
  19. thcheaven

    Electricity ate me out of house and home

    What? Wow, I really want some of what he is smoking.