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  1. Mysticlown150

    Bring Marijuana on an Airplane

    You swallow that and you gonna need motor oil to shit it out lol. Crazy we gotta do all this for some plants.
  2. Mysticlown150

    The Munchies.

    LOL yup I use to lock my pantry. It's full of snacks. The juice thing should work though.
  3. Mysticlown150

    The Munchies.

    I use to be like that but now I just drink a lot of juice and that fills me up. Or you can just lock your pantry.
  4. Mysticlown150

    Hide under Alcohol

    LOL funny how they have no dogs at jfk and lga in new York city. I had like a half oz in my cargo shorts and everything went fine. Dumb security.
  5. Mysticlown150

    Blunt rolling competition 6/11/2009

    Man I'll enter mine soon, I'm the best blunt roller.
  6. Mysticlown150

    The fastest question ever...

    Of course I say keep it. Shit happens man.
  7. Mysticlown150

    I'm doing it so wrong that its right

    Yea I wana see pics right now, not on a different website lol.
  8. Mysticlown150

    How do you keep your mothers? (poll)

    I keep mines in soil.
  9. Mysticlown150

    i think i went way wrong

    LOL man maybe it will turn into a decent harvest,good luck
  10. Mysticlown150

    Pics first harvest lots of bud

    Mmmmm dank nugs
  11. Mysticlown150

    whats the best way to germinate?

    What I do is put them in a paper plate with water and lay them over the cable box. Then to sprout I put them in a cup with soil make sure to put another cup over it and mist inside of it. Put it in a dark place and they will sprout within 24 hours.
  12. Mysticlown150

    DRY in CALI???? responses plz

    Great for you. Commit crimes and do horrible things, won't effect me :)
  13. Mysticlown150

    Vicodin 500 mg tabs and mary jane?

    Antibiotics won't interact with anelgesics (hydrocodone) so you'll be fine.
  14. Mysticlown150

    DRY in CALI???? responses plz

    that inncident happened a month ago, after that happened I valued my life more and am a 100% Christian. Now you can be on the doubting side but what salvation will you recieve?
  15. Mysticlown150

    Who? I'm not good at guessing...

    Who? I'm not good at guessing...
  16. Mysticlown150

    DRY in CALI???? responses plz

    I'm a religous man and since god made organics then cannabis is not a drug. Sorry for double posts.
  17. Mysticlown150

    DRY in CALI???? responses plz

    NYC never goes dry but upstate ny is dry all the time.
  18. Mysticlown150

    Vicodin 500 mg tabs and mary jane?

    Isn't it scary that tylenol is so readily available even though it can destroy your liver? But weed hasnt had any proven side effects on major organs :( anyway you need that 10mg hyrdocodone to feel the good stuff which means taking 2 pills and smoking a joint.
  19. Mysticlown150

    Travelling with it?

    So I'm guessing you didn't try to bring it after you saw the dogs?
  20. Mysticlown150

    Almost Busted by the Landlord

    I am a man of god and yes I do live with my parents and won't ever do lsd. These are my views, a lot of people have a problem with expressing their views on this website. Like im suppose to be a hermit crab and hide in my little shell. If someone slaps me just like Jesus Christ said I will turn...