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  1. Maine Buds

    Experiment " kill those little bastards" has begun!

    Only a few gnats running around in the veg room and none in the bloom room. None in the traps either I think they just abandoned the room now to do the rest of the veg room and make sure they don't make a new home else where. I dug down in the soil but didn't find any larva dead or alive so not...
  2. Maine Buds

    Damaged leaves

    It depends on how damaged the leave is. If you feel it's taking to much energy from the plant to heal then get rid of it. But you don't want to take to many at a time.
  3. Maine Buds

    Flowering tomorrow!

    I have never used it in veg before. I will have to start. Bud candy is not even close to the same as molasses. All bud candy is is magnesium. I thought it was funny I bought it thinking the same thing but was surprised to find on the back it say magnesium!
  4. Maine Buds

    NPK RAW, create your own nutes!

    Try the web page kelp4less. Lots of good stuff at great prices. I use the s.o.p powder it makes a difference.
  5. Maine Buds

    Flowering tomorrow!

    Ya I do I use bloom blood and potash powder. 1 week before the switch I give 1 tbs of potash on top of medium so when I water all week they get some. First feed of the first 12/12 day they get 1/2 grm of bloom blood and 1/2 tsp of grow along with hygrozyme and bud candy. They will be getting 1...
  6. Maine Buds

    Flowering tomorrow!

    Good hoping they hit 40 inches or so! It's gonna be a good harvest if they do. Can't wait to see those buds form!
  7. Maine Buds

    Male or female?

    They grow just fine. Sometime it will keep doing the same thing on the same side but that just mean you don't have to top it.
  8. Maine Buds

    Experiment " kill those little bastards" has begun!

    Ok so I applied a dry dressing to the top two inches of soil 6 tbs ground cinnamon 2 1/2 tbs ground cloves 2 tbs garlic powder 1 tbs rosemary Combined in a large spice shaker shake generously over top of medium( till all is covered ) let sit for a min or so till all the little bastards fly...
  9. Maine Buds

    Male or female?

    It happens sometimes one node doesn't g first of all styrofoam is bad get some plastic one from the dollar store. This happens to me all the time with bag seed. Not sure why but one side of the plant top gets stunted for some reason and that allows the rest of the node to grow out to catch up...
  10. Maine Buds

    please help, after germination they stop growing

    Much better now. When I water seedling I water with very little in a circle around the plant. This promoted root growth and a strong rootball. Seedling should be watered every 5 or so day. Let them dry roots won't grow if the water is right there they have to search for it!
  11. Maine Buds

    Flowering tomorrow!

    Quick update . The girls started to throw pistils yesterday so today is our real first day of flower just a few pic nothing special other then they now have support. Are they gonna stretch anymore now that they are blooming or do I still have 2 more weeks of stretch left? So I will see you in 2...
  12. Maine Buds

    Male or female?

    Not sure what that growth is it dose look like a male flower but the pic is fuzzy and I would not say for sure unless you took another pic. Take a few pics look 3 rd or 4 set of node from the top to see sex.
  13. Maine Buds

    Another "is it done" question.

    Nice looking buds good job.
  14. Maine Buds

    Male or female?

    Do a bit of reading before you post info that's not correct!
  15. Maine Buds

    Male or female?

    Ops plant is a male. It can't tell in your pic there are no sex organ in there. Take a pic at the intersection if the node and the branch. As I the pic above an then we can tell. It's better to take a pic from a bit further away so when we zoom in its still clear.
  16. Maine Buds

    Male or female?

    It looks like a male to me!
  17. Maine Buds

    Do these look like girls to you ?

    It's to early to tell yet. They were most likely not mature when you put them in to flower mode. It will probably be a while before they show sex. The second plant look to be to much water and a ph problem if you don't fix it then your plant won't make it to harvest. The first one looks ok. It...
  18. Maine Buds

    Experiment " kill those little bastards" has begun!

    I have actually tried them and they didn't work for me.thanks anyway
  19. Maine Buds

    Brown Cannabutter layer

    Cut that brown stuff off only eat the golden butter.