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  1. longlizard

    Couple Questions about my first outdoor attempt

    You might want to wait for your transplant. The soil in the containers heats up fast and promotes rapid root growth. The cold ground, will slow the growth until the end of spring and the warmer soil temps. Large 1gallon plus containers will hold until the ground warms up. Fly high with...
  2. longlizard

    Couple of questions.

    If your indoor, it would depend on what size you want it to finish. You could start now with 12/12, in a week or two signs of sex will appear. If you have a female replant in a larger container, and continue with the 12/12. Or you could vegetate a little longer to gain size in yield.
  3. longlizard

    My first outdoor grow

    He speaks the truth. Do it with care, speed, moisture, warmth for the roots. The best time might be your next watering. Set up the transplant materials before hand to ensure a timely exchange of pots, without the tender roots drying. Water with Superthrive or a very mild bloom fertilizer...
  4. longlizard

    Couple of questions.

    Are you in vegetation or have your gone 12/12 with the lights. Can you tell now and do you have any pictures?
  5. longlizard

    Outdoor Self Watering: water capillary mat

    The use of water capillary mats in nursery and greenhouses provides watering to the plants needs. This works for large or small plants, dependent on requirements, through wicking of the water. I wonder about inserting this water capillary mat into your container and attatching a wick to...
  6. longlizard

    South Texas at Play

    Way to grow, you using any KC strains this grow?
  7. longlizard

    Compost Q.

    2.) layer the compost so it's about 50-50 carbon to nitrogen ratio. Perhaps the others will work for you, but you want to maintain a C:N of 25-30:1 for the entire mixture. Any lower and your pile will stink, any higher and decomposition slows down. I have a link to a list of C:N items and...
  8. longlizard

    Couple of questions.

    Nice pictures, I am only a novice, it would take a few more weeks. Asking about topping, what strain is your plant?
  9. longlizard

    HELP my plant might be dying!

    repot it up to the leaves, put the skinny stalk as a root. Add more light its stretching to get some. If you can put it outside for a day and in at night.
  10. longlizard

    When germinating...

    True, I have had some take days too, a few a week. Put them in soil and monitor the development every other day. Don't let them rot in a paper towel, good soil has plenty of air exchange therefore less likely to rot or mold.
  11. longlizard

    can you grow weed in a corn field

    I agree with the others, wait until the weed killer has been sprayed, before transplanting into the field.
  12. longlizard

    Quick question about this soil! PLZ HELP!

    Worm castings from nursery or on ebay, take up a hobby, vermiculture. social gathering of worm lovers. You could learn about composting, a thermophilic compost occurs when the ratio of carbon to nitrogen is 30:1, with proper aeration or bulking it will heat...
  13. longlizard

    can you grow weed in a corn field

    KC Brains Holland
  14. longlizard

    Fimming and Topping = mroe bud??

    Try getting a clone from her, topping and fimming help, but more clones help more.
  15. longlizard

    One last time.... TOPPING

    What did you end up doing? Have any pictures....bongsmilie
  16. longlizard

    pinoy grower

    Mubuhay, hindi pinoy, Oo grower. I just visit my family there.
  17. longlizard

    A Northwoods Guerilla

    I received my 10 Herijuana seeds today. I will cross the earliest male with all the females. I want to produce seeds, about 100 per lady. I will allow the male to dust the girls for 3-4 days. With the earliest male, the calyx will be few at that stage of development, therefore few seeds...
  18. longlizard

    Sannie now takes credit card!

    Heri Rama Heri Heri- I got them
  19. longlizard

    Sannie's Seeds

    Rc'vd 10 Herijuana, 10 Basic Beer, and spongepots with bacto mix. In the USA Dank u - Vrede
  20. longlizard

    Brix Mix

    No one uses this mix ok, just thought I would bump it one more time.