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  1. DownOnWax

    3 Word Story

    So I thought
  2. DownOnWax

    Where to buy some Himalayan Gold fems?

    I don't know about Paypal but Attitude Seeds has them
  3. DownOnWax

    600w or 400w for 32 X 32 X 63" grow tent

    More Power = More Flower
  4. DownOnWax

    Dinner Art

    I am a Chef and prepared those :)
  5. DownOnWax

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    HELL EXPLAINED BY CHEMISTRY STUDENT The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of...
  6. DownOnWax

    First LED Grow!.. Pics included

    It looks as healthy as it can possibly be! I use Roots Organics, just my opinion :)
  7. DownOnWax

    quick question plus rep++

    There you go, you can get a timer at Home Depot/ Lowes for less than $20 to serve your purpose. You don't want to continually do it by hand, it becomes SUCH a BITCH!!!
  8. DownOnWax

    vortex in solo cup

    And you know, come on! The guy wanted to show off something, why try to be a dick? Anyone who grows is cool with me no matter what kind of ability or monetary investment they have in it.
  9. DownOnWax

    vortex in solo cup

    Maybe but I still think it is a DAMN fine plant for a Dixie Cup... You have to admit that!
  10. DownOnWax

    quick question plus rep++

    If you have a strong pump then try to find a way of reducing the flow... Pinch the tubes so that they don't gush out or find a splitter to redirect half the flow into your basin. Think of it kinda like a garden hose, when you bend it on itself then it has less pressure.
  11. DownOnWax

    Advice welcome, newbie growing Blue Cheese.

    I am in no way trying to be a jerk to the guy that suggested spraying your plants with something. Too many people on this forum say to "Add this and add that" which usually ends up badly. All I am saying is that if you have a problem then find the source of it, don't add nutrients or add...
  12. DownOnWax

    vortex in solo cup

    Show us one of your grows then Unnk. I think this guy obviously had a choice of putting this plant in a bigger container but wanted to screw around and have fun, which I think is kinda cool.
  13. DownOnWax

    vortex in solo cup

    I think it is amazing that this plant got that big in a Party Cup! There is actually a party cup growing competition going on right now, maybe you should enter?
  14. DownOnWax

    vortex in solo cup

    Maybe it should be: Is jwop a dick?
  15. DownOnWax

    quick question plus rep++

    It's called a "Drip" system for a reason. You don't want it to splash out, or gush out, or anything other than DRIP out. Slow and steady, moist but not saturated, air + water = good :)
  16. DownOnWax

    How did you discover the internet?

    I might be a little older than you then, I was smoking weed before the internet was invented :) Damn, I kinda feel old now but Im only 32.
  17. DownOnWax

    Advice welcome, newbie growing Blue Cheese.

    Absolutely not, bad information man.
  18. DownOnWax

    My Phat 6'7 TGA Subcool Jack the Ripper

    I'd rather push my Ford than drive a Chevy! Hahaha, I have a trucker hat that says that :) Should I have added a Ya'll?