Definitely a difference. Hopefully you can find some better weed though. If done right, you can actually see the hash {concentrate); or whatever you call it. I call it Sap. Or The Medicine.
Or maybe you where getting that Opium Hash back in the day! Some of that Red Rock. If so, I don't know...
What's this you guys are talking about the PH not mattering if using distilled or ROed water? Must just be for the humidifier thing huh? You know, down in Texas we didn't even know what a Humidifier was! lol
Thanks bro! I will read this tonight. I saw you talk about using the vacuum chamber the other day. Ironically, it was the day after I had just left ours at a buddies shop for him to use for awhile. Doa!
Yeah I did that. Refroze with dry ice, and ran it through the Buchner. Got the green out. It's kinda nearly like a slightly red tinted amber now. Don't recall ever seeing this reddish before. About to do a taste trial.
"dope will get you through times of no money, better then money will get you...
I've been able to come out with a lot of very tasty BHO Shatter. Done a couple of decent tasting QWETs. It was green but tasted alright. Never spent all to much time testing with Ethanol. But I'm pretty sure that I could've tweaked my process and come out with some tastier QWET. Like I said the...
I used to grind the buds. Which pretty much made the quick wash impossible. These nug QWISO runs are coming out yellow and amber with no green. Seems to be way lacking on the tinctures, compared to all the BHO I've done!
What are the pros and cons of using each for winterizing? Or does it even make a difference? Only thing I can tell is maybe the ISO separated the chlorophyll better. But I didn't wash it nearly as long, so can't be sure. What are you guy's opinions?
You're good man. So the cured material makes probably more. But the chlorophyll will have broken down with the decomposition . So it'll most likely be an amber color. When you sift, smash, or wash the fresh wet material; it should be a clear whitesh color. But yeah, you'll get a better yield...
Yo dudes. I just read that the N95 masks are made out of .3 micron! If this is true, slightly finer than the .2 syringes; and much larger possibilities! I'm about to disect one and see what's up.
My buddy just had 9 bows of some beautiful buds rejected by the lab for very slight traces of mold...
So I wanna get this right. You ran your QWISO through an air purifier filter and it separated all the green chlorophyll? Sounds like what people are able to accomplish with the CRC method. But that uses clay and some other powders for the filtration. Lots of people don't like it because it can...
Blast it all out and be done with it! I use a straightened coat hanger to stir up the tube whenever I start
losing color. Once I'm seeing no more color coming out, I'll start all over. I dump it all out and repack the tube and repeat process. If you do your blasting as thorough as that, the...
Color remediation cartridge removes the chlorophyll, pesticides, and other impurities. Uses clay and other powders for filtration. I only need to use it on my older harvested material.