This is the soil mix your using as medium causing this. Next time use professional pre mixed coco from hydro shop. This stuff is made for growing dope under lights, your just guessing with the mix u threw together. Not much you can do now as its the medium. The yellowing will reduce final...
Run a long line of fence wire up high between trees then anchor the branches to that with garden twine. You will have to do this because when it rains heavy they will sag to the ground ,snap etc and will be laying in the mud when you get out there. also you could use stakes or use cages from the...
Again its the cheap soil causing this. Some organic soils are acid as fuck and the seedling hates it. Get some quality coco, usually in the hydro shop at about $40 for a 50L bag.
Re pot it and not into the same medium, get something decent so you get faster growth and less salt burn on lower leaves, eg coco made for growing dope.
When you knocked the pot over you disturbed the root sytem like a transplant gone wrong, shocking the crap out of it.
Stop feeding , only water if the pot becomes light to lift and pray it can come back.
Sounds like they think its time for bed at 7am and theey need a kick in the ass to stop them doing this. Keep the lights on 24/7 ,this will help reduce the droop and dry the medium quicker. Also use some perlite next time about 30% to reduce overwatering.