Im running mh and hps rite now and I can say that just with my naked eye it seems the few that sat under the MH seem to have a bit heavier trichs built up. Dont know if its a coinsidance but its the truth. Haze2
Hobbes do you have any pics of your jilly "CANDY STORE" pheno?? I have 15 of those going rite now!! Id like to gt any info I can on thes girls, I also have some 3rd dimension if you know anything about it, Im talking about growth and eating habits. Haze2
Hobbes you can disregard what I asked that last thread you got going. Hey I wonder why so fluffy?? I have 5 pandoras box going rite now, they are all in 5 gallon buckets half Roots Organics soil and half FF light warrior I am feeding well now is botanicare CNS17 with there ripe, sweet and some...
Pete you need to wait until you see the signs of flower, once you know it is a definte female start then. You dont start counting the day you switch the cycle. You have to wait for the plant to induce flower then start counting. Haze2
Hobbes can you tell me a bit more about your harvest time and how you dried and cured?? Wondering why theres not much of a taste?? Not questioning your skills by no means just curious?? Haze2
Slabhead thats too funny, but hey you seriously have to do what you ot to do, they cant be gobbleing up all your kind. Dig them holes and get em!! Haze
The only problem is that it costs another 25 for shipping, truthfully if it wasnt so much for shipping Id be placing an order too. Ill just wait tilll after hatvest to stock up on subs beans. Haze2