Thers some spooky carvings in stone in south america that resembles dinosaurs. You know what dinosaurs were known as before the 1800s?
Dragons. Theres no evidence that man didn't walk along side dragons/dinosaurs.
Speacking of spooky south american stone carvings, what about the dude sat in what...
When i browsed the line up the fire og and grapestomper took my fancy. Also emerald triangles bubba 76. Think thats a nice selection. All we need now is a decent promo somewhere;)
Iv grown two auto freebies and they where pretty tasty. not much yield but good quality. Iv never grown that strain so i said PROBABLY be fine as iv grown two already ok mate. they aint all bad,
All the girls liked jesus because he was well hung....
Hows it going WBW. Gotta sort my seed collection out soon. Whats the most vigarous GGG Strain ya growing? Need some inspiration.