My vedge plants are in ocean Forrest most of them cause that's what most people use and want my moms are in sns soil very similar to fox farm and probly going to be using straight sns soil for all vedge flower was the amended soil
All gone all my amendments are .....used a lot at my moms house on her vedgie garden....but am going to store today so tea is on my mind for my moms and clones since I dnt have any active flowering sprucing up my vedge room ...will post pics later never did repost after plastic was put up and shit
It's a mass email ime shure. But ime on a rewards card program I earn money I can spend in store that's how they have my email...But fuck I was just there yesterday and going back today u guys would be suprised with my shop not a lot of bullshit and enjoy shooting the shit with the workers non...
Well shit flower rooms shut down the worse possible thing that could happen right now and no idea when it can fire back up just a sick feeling
It all started 20 years ago when my mom thought she could beat the whole permit issue and decided to build 2 additions to our house. Well caught...
U can go straight water if u dnt have the soulution I used water and my pen still works excellent had it for 3 years but I do use a storadge.soulution in the cap when put up ..go buy a bottle its cheap and u will have it for awhile and ur pen will thank u ....but u made a good choice blue labs...