No one said acknowledging the truth within oneself is not painful. Easier to hide from it, easier to pretend to have the answers... than to admit we don't.
Is there an afterlife? Yes. Can you prove it? No. Then how can you be certain of the existence of an afterlife, if there is no way to prove it exists?
You claim to divide facts from speculation... but you are doing the exact opposite. When you claim that an afterlife certainly exists, you are...
I never said any of it was bullshit, when getting into questions and thoughts about theology and metaphysics... things that do not deal with reality, everything has just as much of a chance of being true as it does of being false.. they are unanswerable questions, unless you pretend you have the...
Well that sounds like some bull shit, if we just wanna fuck and don't feel like closing the blinds. Not saying it is something i would do on purpose at all... but if you are married or have been with someone as long as i have, the mood doesn't happen but once or twice a week, and anything can...
Nah we're both in good shape in imo pretty good looking, i just want to know if we would get into trouble with the cops if say the blinds were up, and we were in the mood and decided to fuck and didn't really feel like closing the blinds in the middle of a fuck ya know? Is it illegal or what...
Just read it over again, and remember, i am not presenting an argument, just an opinion... that IF, mind you IIIIIFFFFF, the chaotic and random structure of nature has intention.... that it can come together to make "beautiful" things that work well, as well as "ugly" things that don't work...
Would it be illegal if my girlfriend and i wanted to have sex in our living room with the blinds completely open with a huge window facing the road if we are in our own house? I live in Michigan. Are there laws keeping you from doing this? Would we get in trouble? Or would we just get pissed off...
They are in my dreams, i make them up, conjure them from my imagination... helped by others imaginations in the process. Watching supernatural doesn't help... my girlfriend always watches that show lol. The first episodes were ok... but the more i glance, the more i laugh.
I am saying that "nature" is chaotic and random, that sometimes it can come together to make "beautiful" things that work well, as well as "ugly" things that don't work well. When you look at the evolution of the universe, and of life in general... it seems to me, that the intention of nature...
Mutations are a part of nature. Either trying something new, or trying something different... it seems that the mutation that creates down syndrome was not such a good mutation, and does not help human animals survive.. i never said i thought "nature" was perfect, or that "nature" does not make...
Nature in the sense of everything, just trying to exist and keep on going, the atoms that make up everything... every time they break apart they create something new, sometimes different, sometimes more complex... it seems if it can become more and more complex it does so... and does whatever it...