So pretty much, the word "transgender" is just a pretty word for "being born gay"....
So it's a dude, that was born who consciously at a young age considered himself a girl...
So the difference between a homosexual and a transgender person, is that one comes out of the closet sooner than the...
So, is she just a girl that was born with a penis... or a Boy that was born homosexual? Is she going to grow boobs? Does she have a vagina AND a penis? I don't understand, can anyone help me out on this? Confused as fuck.
From the date you started here, in order to have as many posts as you have, you would have had to post approximately on average 10 times a day, every day, until now. Now THAT is either amazing dedication... or super boredom. Not sure which one, either way, it is an astounding amount of...
It's crazy to think about it.
"I want to die"
"No! You aren't aloud to!"
"It's my fuckin body, i'll do what i want to it!"
"Fuck that, get em'! Put a coat on him so he can't do it, put him in a cage!"
Why do we do anything that we actually want to do? Because we like it, find enjoyment in it... you think there should be a deeper reason for commenting on a philosophy sub forum, other than "because i like it" ?
Women... you can't ever make em' happy, they always find a reason to get pissed. LOL!
Time you enjoy wasting, is not time wasted! I'm just picking on you anyways, i just think it's fun to pretend to be sexist to get a reaction out of women, it usually works lol.
Regardless, Men aren't a rule fallowing machine. Women are. They make the sandwiches, do the dishes and the laundry. They do what they are told straight up. LOLOLOL!!!!!
I speed, smoke pot, am drunk in public, pee outside wherever i want, walk across yards that are private property, among many, many other things, all which are illegal. Men break the fuckin rules, we revel in it, if there is a rule... it must be broken! If that button says don't push... shit if...
Really? Reeaaaally? Maybe for you, but probably because you are a woman, lmfao!
Nah but for real, one of the dumbest things i've ever heard. Man is a rule fallowing machine?
/slowly lowers head and shakes back and forth
Anyone who has a girlfriend or wife, who makes themselves a sandwich, is a pussy... and or pussy whipped. lol, if i want something to eat my girlfriend makes me that shit, cuz i do all the man shit around the house, like fixing shit... the car, the jeep, the fridge, the toaster and the waffle...