Lol.. ignoramus..
Anyways, one hit will make thinks sparkly, and depending on how much shit is on or in this acid, one could make you trip decently hard. Have fun :D
I mean, there were a few people at the party I didn't know very well. And those people probably think I'm extremely weird(I used to do dxm daily and not tell anyone, so they literally think I'm insane or something). Any other day I think 'fuckem' but I was getting my feelings hurt or something...
Wait okay so you take MXE orally? I never tried that nor researched it, I just felt like it was a waste. It takes a good 10-20 minutes to kick in nasally anyways. Hmm, I'm gonna have to order some and try it orally. How much do you take orally to get in a 'hole' type scenario?
Yeah, I have 5 hits in my fridge right now of the same stuff.. Won't be doing it for awhile, but come two weeks from now I'll probably get bored enough to just eat it.
It did turn around, see the thing is, smoking makes me feel that way anyways, if there are people present. So next time I'm...
I was thinking about biological evolution the other night, and was posting about it in another thread, but one thing about it is that, do you guys think that at one point biological evolution stops, maybe keeps going, but its so slow.. Anyways, do you think that when we have become capable of...
There are two reasons why I use DXM in combination with LSD. One, it potentates it to the point where its almost like.. The DXM knocks you off guard, makes you go, 'whoaa', then the LSD takes a right hook to the face and makes you go, 'WHOA!'. Also normally on LSD, smoking weed does not do...
I was over at a buddies house who was having a Halloween party. He doesn't do drugs except for opiates because of migraines, and decided to do dxm with me yesterday, since I was telling him how meditative and opiate like it was. So the night started off with us drinking a bottle of robitussin...
Just put the bag in your mouth and swallow it.
Not really, I've never done it. But Ive been tempted to buy some before.. With the RC dissociatives I just stick to what I know... MXE :p
I like getting as little high as possible. Overwhelms me.
However sometimes after a long day at work I love getting extra blowed to the point where I feel like a.. Squirrel getting ripped apart by a coyote. Only by myself though, if someone else is present when I'm in that state nowadays, I...
Heph heph!! Read this! Lol
I too would rather die than be old. Who knows though, stuffs going so crazy in science we may be able to live forever within the next 20 years xD Ya never know. See. Then, the weight would be lifted off my shoulders. 'I...