...The problem is if I go to bed early I feel like I'm wasting my night. If I wake up late I feel like I'm wasting my day. I think I need to get into a 12-8 schedule. But.. AHHH WHY MUST HUMANS NEED SLEEP.
Anyways melatonin lengthens your REM cycle. Take it before bed. If I got to get up early...
Been sober for 5 days now :o holy shit, I had to look and see when I posted this..
Haven't even touched the kratom either.. Been to busy. Work work work. Damn holidays.
I noticed a slight incline on other things too. Like today I picked up a book for about 10 minutes without even thinking...
I ended up doing that :p lol dude, I bought two oz, and its already gone xD Next time I need to conserve it a little better
Im guessing white and green veins are more stimulating?
I gave a guy at work probably somewhere between two and 3 grams, and told him when I gave it to him because he...
Here I throw this article around a lot, but you should read it. Its pretty long, but its really interesting and relevant. Possibly happening in the near future with this exponential technology leap? I dunno, would you live forever if you could? I feel like if you lived forever, youd wanna die...
See, I did it with this Arizona tea I bought today and it was kinda gross, the best way is what Im doing right now which is mixing with water and using dr pepper as a chaser ;)
The past two doctors Ive had tried to throw prozac in my face. Every prescription they have ever givin me has made things a thousand times worse. The key to anything is inside of your natural self. I guess some people really are fucked up.. But I mean... Thats where the bridge gets really...
What are your guys' thoughts on Cloud Atlas? I saw it last night, and I plan to buy the book. The movie was just... Twas a good movie. I highly reccommend watching it.
Drug: A substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body, in particular.
Your mother took my drug last night.
I did this for a couple of days, it was.. Whacky. I felt like I had taken a half hit of acid. All the time. Thank god I stopped taking those prozacs shortly after being prescribed, they fucked with my head.. Robolife
I tried yogurt yesterday, Id rather do that than this tea.. I have a pitcher with maybe 6 grams in it, its not too bad. But unfortunately I ran out of honey. The first glass was kinda gross, but I'm on my second and its fine tasting. Got used to it.
I'm gonna make pitchers more often though I...
Me likey that quote.
So what do you believe as an atheist? Do you believe in something incomprehensible after life, or do you think we simply lose our existence again? Mixture of both?
I like to think theres a nice afterlife waiting for us, but recently it just makes the most sense that we...
I like your advice, I'll try. But I'm still gonna make a glass of kratom tea every now and then. :p
I plan on doing it really though. Its been burning too big of a hole in my wallet and after yesterday I cant afford the habit for awhile.
Thanks strife, again! :D
Thanks man :) I really do appreciate it.
Today was a day.. Maybe had a moment of clarity or something. I don't know.. Someone stole my acid, theres an ongoing investigation as to which roomate, which roomates girlfriend, or which friend may have stole it. But the reason why I want to find out...
Just for some reason.. I don't know, I've always been depressed for no reason over nothing. But lately its just been terrible :(
I just need to take a break from the drugs.. Thats what it comes down too.. Exercise more, eat better.. Meditate more.. Read/write more.. I feel way more accomplished...