I also feel bad when I kill bugs for some reason. Or when my buddies just mercilessly murder one, I feel bad. It's really weird. If the things all up in my shit I kill it, if I'm in danger. If I'm really drunk I go on bug killing sprees.
I think a lot of people are the same way about it, eating...
I really don't understand Christianity. I mean even the moral side of it is just, self explanatory. If you go around being cynical and or murdering people, you probably feel pretty negative. If you don't then your an asshole.
Like I said before a lot of people go to church out of straight fear...
Scaring people into following the church. A lot of old people go to church out of fear, whether it be fear of death, or fear of going to hell.
Oh but it doesnt matter if you sin or not. Because if you bought an indulgence, you get to go to heaven!
Yippy Doo!
Well, everyone has their own philosophy. I think that being genuinely nice and shrugging off the negativity that people shoot at you is a start. They are speaking out of anger or ignorance. And both are understandable. They can't help it. Nor can you if you are not ignorant, but just angry. And...
Yeah I don't understand why they still do this in MMJ states anyways.. Or at least test for marijuana specifically. Its stupid. If your qualified for the job, and will do it correctly, the intake of substances shouldn't mean jack shit to them.
At the same time, if you care enough about your...
5.3mg of cocaine per 1g of coca leaves is what I've heard.
That would mean for 5.3 grams, you would need 1k of leaves. You can buy coca leaves offline in a few forms.
Be careful, cocaine is awesome. And you know what happens when the...
I watched this documentary last night and there are a couple concepts that don't really register.
First off, they were saying that the native Americans were unable to see Columbus' ships. I feel like they didn't mean physically even though they kind of made it sound like that. I guess they...
Dont you have better things to be angry about? Why don't you stop being an inconsiderate asshole.
Im not going to do it, Im going to offer him a smartie and he'll know, and I'll tell him afterwards.. He TOLD me to do it. And no its not because I cant stay sober its because he TOLD me to.
I mean he's experienced, and wants me to anyways. Ill just be like here's a smartie, eat it. He'll know what's up.
i spiked him before in a subway sandwich and he had a great time. It's just what he asked me to do.
My roommate has went sober, but still likes to trip every now and then. He's extremely stubborn and won't willingly take LSD just for the principle or something but he said it would be hilarious and he'd appreciate it if anyone were to spike him unknowingly so he would "have no choice". His...
Nowadays, in my body, its only taken for one of two things. Opiate potentiation, and to sleep. Smoking on the recommended dose gets a little trippy. The highest that should be taken ever, is 50mg.
Why does going at such fast speeds make time travel possible? I mean yes, if you were moving that fast then you couldnt see a clock changing because the light wouldnt have time to reflect.. But if your in a ship that fast your really just traveling. How would this allow you to go back and say...