read the OPs title.. i was like grow houses spinning around a light... like how earth spins around the sun? --thats gonna be tricky to replicate~
i agree.. GMO done properly wouldn't cause cancer.. that is why im hoping in the future-- someone will do it right~
i've seen the list, that is why im currently living off breast milk... haha
GD.. why FF!? wwwhhhhyyy... /slitwrist
honestly.. GMO is still a good science (if done properly and keeping ethical standards as rule of thumb), but not under those morons.. :leaf:
nah, not biofuel.. well i was gonna say solar (but the current conversion/usage is really piss poor-- think we could def make better use of solar)
not wind either.. or hydro-dams ---unless they figured out how to apply the same principle to oceanic currents / waves)
fuck me, how can i forget...